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With high HP and ATK values, good DEX/LUK, good AP, and middling AGI, … Like it's … •Stage DetailAssume all Vision Cards are maxed out. A in depth conversation about Espers and their different uses. A total of 51 espers found . Lore. Sort by : The facts, the special properties, and the unknowns about Gilgamesh's signature move: Kotetsu. Level; Awakening (*) (*) (*) Level . Select a level. DEF. Here is an example build, of … Select a level. ×. Element. The Esper: SS taken from Excellent for sorting espers by the specific node stat that you’re looking for. Esper fact: did you know Cactuar is the only esper without evocation damage nodes? Special thanks to TestMonkeyAlpha for the data crawl. Theres no 1 size fits all for esper build. Esper fact: … Community Discord Twitch Support Me ! 99 / 99 . The comment above is a little outdated in a sense... the new espers are going to be elementally thematic, glacial and leviathan for example 25% elemental damage bonus which is greater than just about everything except odin on human targets How come Mindflyer is not in the tier list? Because this list is garbage? Best way to increase resonance? Odin will bring more damage and agility, and guard scorpion will probably be his best in slot. AOE Height: 2. All … The weighted average stat is calculated by dividing a unit’s stat with the max stat, for every stat, … by | Feb 20, 2021 | Danubius in-folio | 0 comments | Feb 20, 2021 | Danubius in-folio | 0 comments Based on the datamining of War of the Visions, it will helps you to build your team. オーディン - Odin; Reset Max esper. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Stats; HP TP AP ATK MAG … #ffvi #darkodin #wotv #omenMore 2nd Anniversary content was dropped this week, alongside OP Dark Odin and Omen. 2y. for a certain esper for specialized unit builds, but the Altema recommendations seem to be good all-around esper builds that play to the main strengths of … I like main stat boost like Att% or Mag%. Kotetsu might be the most famous and unique skill in all of WOTV, because it shares the properties of both physical and magical damage skills. Special thanks to FallOfGreen and Raphelos for some great discussions and tests on Kotetsu. Just like Tetra Sylphid, Odin is just as evade-y as her, but he stands alone. Excellent for sorting espers by the specific node stat that you’re looking for. Tower is boring and easy. Get Build Link. Here's whats up with Odin. Effect. 1st Grid Routes from the Grid; Evocation Magic Lv2: Evocation Magic Lv3, Lv4, Lv6, Lv10: Critical Evasion+3: Critical Evasion+4 (Crit Evade+4, +5, +6 are added after 3 star … MAG. Esper Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Resists Killers; Name. Fenrir is a good esper if you need the magic resist. SP. ... glacial and … Fenrir is a good esper if you need the magic resist. Odin will bring more damage and agility, and guard scorpion will probably be his best in slot. VC is dependent on the content you’re aiming for, but as far as damage goes aigaion or guard scorpion are your best bet. The “killer” and “resist” nodes are generally considered bad options expect for specific scenarios such as for … SPR. The raw stats of various espers are listed below. WOTV's most unique hybrid skill broken down. Rarity. DARK Meta Shift with ANIMA? Evokes Dark Tetra Sylpheed, Lowers target's Wind Res within range, then deals Dmg (L) to target based on caster's Wind MAG stat & activates temporary Map Effects (raises ATK/MAG of allies & increases effect for Wind units & significantly lowers Wind Res). In general, the esper enhance nodes that go straight up are basically useless. The frustrating thing is it's got Esper Killer, which will be a ton of raid bosses … 15 Slash … Get a link to this Esper build . Esper list, summoned monsters, evocation magic in War of the Visions Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Stats; HP TP AP ATK MAG AGI DEX LUCK; 1234 / 1234 : 42 / 42 : 44 / 44 : Stats, degree of resonance, resistance, training board, and magicite. Level; Awakening (*) (*) (*) Level . Get Build Link. Effect Type. VC is dependent on the content you’re aiming … Search an esper by name. Along with more damage like ice killer or man eater. Odin has few good paths: 25 Man Eater. Mankiller +25 in the calculation of damage is worth exactly +25 Slash/ Missile/ Pierce/ Blunt/ MagicAtk ....if you are doing damage to HUMANS which is most of the … Handy dandy table listing all the node bonuses from every esper in global FFBE WOTV. Odin . 99 / 99 . Evokes Chaos Odin, Deals Non-Elemental Dmg (L) to targets within range & chance of inflicting Poison & activates temporary Map Effects … Esper Stats Compared. Search for an esper by name. MP. A video where I break down and discuss every single esper in WoTV JP and WoTV EN! I cheated a bit with DW Esper but Golden Ahriman can probably do the job too. Search an esper by name. Bolstered by the momentum of his … ATK. Just to give you an example of a popular esper, Odin. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Tornado. HP. SP. A god among warriors, Odin sits astride a six-legged horse and gallops through the battlefield with his cloak billowing behind. So here is a self imposed challenge with MR & Lucio (Free units only). Can be put in any team. オーディン - Odin . Esper Stats (at 1* Max) Name HP TP AP Atk Mag Dex Agi Luck HP TP AP Atk Mag Dex Agi Luck berserk blind confuse charm disable immobilize doom toad silence paralyze petrify poison … You usually have a few options per esper. Send me a message on reddit Chat … Seems totally fine to me. Made with by Bismark - Report a bug. Odin; Reset Max esper. The points are limited and you can’t achieve the entire board. ×. Non-elemental. - WOTV New Content Overview Back I mean it's not Odin, but the 25% Man Eater on that is just kinda insane. Design by Ditry, Tenaka & Mnalik - Logo by Vermilion IvaliceVermilion Ivalice Level. Wasn’t the best run since enemies beat the paralyze RNG couple times.

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