11. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33. Righteous God, I thank You for being our Father. Be ready in season and out of season. Lord, please encourage my pastor by the power of your Holy Spirit. A SAMPLE SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER (Thirty plus years ago God put Don Rogers in my life. 4:17) and a vain imagination. Pray words of encouragement. 30 July 2017. The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through You to the pulling down of strongholds ( 2 Corinthians 10:4 ). A Prayer For Spiritual Warfare. Lord, I am Your End-Times warrior. Pray that the power of god should move in the situation. Pray that your pastor would have a tenacious, patient care for church members. Spiritual Warfare Blog. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). There is real spiritual warfare surrounding the pastor and his family. Meditate on any Psalms today and use it for prayers; Challenge yourself by embarking on midnight prayer atleast twice in a week. Prayer for Protection Against Spiritual Attacks. You are our helper, Mighty One. Everyone. and you are no respecter of persons. 7. Please crush any weapon formed against them, and do not allow it to prosper. Spiritual Warfare and the Lives of Pastors and Church Leaders. Use me as Your weapon against the enemy ( 2 Chronicles 11:1 ). Dr. Matthews went to his reward in 2008 after a notable ministry of prayer, pastoral work, seminary education, small group mentoring, and conference teaching. 8.3 Clean out house of those objects (you do this). Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor. Praise and worship God; Repent from known sin and confess. Praying For Pastors. 8.4 Anoint house with oil and cast evil spirits out of house (you do this). Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, and I ask You to forgive me of anything I have done that could displease You in any way. There was prayer preparation that created an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to descend. Prayer Points: Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche Prayer For Financial Breakthrough. PrayingForPastor.indd 15 7/8/16 10:06 AM The following are prayer points for pastors with Scripture that you can readily use to pray for your pastor, associates and other leaders. Pastors : Baptistery Cleansing From Witchcraft 27. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. 1. He should pray alone to build a spiritual aura of protection around him and his family on his way home with Psalm 91 and 121. The enemy seeks to destroy the witness of churches by attacking pastors. I. Intercessory Prayer is Our Most Powerful and Strategic Corporate Weapon in Spiritual Warfare. Prayer of Renouncement of the Martial Arts 32. Warfare Prayers Read by Pastor Winston You Amorite spirit, I bind you and your power from operating against me and causing me to slander or to entice me to babble and rebel and talk about other people, in Jesus name. This daywe take authority using the name of Jesus Christ, who has all power on earth and heaven to dismantle weapon. 4:2). I possess the power to pursue, overtake and recover my possessions by fire, in the name of Jesus. Warfare prayers are aggressive prayers. He taught His disciples to fight Satan and overcome evil (Matthew 10:8; Luke 10:1, 17-20). We have the power, through Him, to claim victory in any battle. Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 6:33. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in every area of my life to You. And, do NOT forget Pastor Appreciation Month! "Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching" (2 Tim. Prayers cannot be measured like we measure water into the bucket. Most of my childhood was spent as a PK or living in seminary village. Grant our pastors and leaders grace to be encouragers of the body of Christ. A family is a distinct unit among the agents of socialization. Amen. We pray that Your Jewish people and tribes of Israel around the world will come to Salvation through Your Son YAHUSHUA HA [MASHIACH. In the early days of New Song, I felt spiritual pressure constantly and some sort of threat to the churchs existence daily. We pray for the defeat of the insurgents and the terrorists there and around the world that are plotting. They requires the spirit of enough is enough. 6. 4. Warfare prayer is a prayer to hinder evil operation in a place, a persons life or a thing. Prayer To Control Thought-Life Or Tormenting Thoughts 30. Through them, life-sustaining power was derived. My Father is the King and I am an adopted son/daughter of God. As a child of God, I am strong, holy, and redeemed. Show our congregation how to pray against all powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of darkness in heavenly realms. 1. O Lord make my restoration miracles shock the enemy and my friends alike, in the name of Jesus. When you are a real fighter, you intimidate the enemy. Use me as Your weapon against the enemy ( 2 Chronicles 11:1 ). Learn to memorize scriptures; DAY 5. If you sense God is showing you something Baptism Of Fire. The best spiritual warfare scriptures for protection describes exactly what that armor looks like.. Its found in Ephesians 6:13-17: Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and Please give wisdom and unusual ability to those that are working to counter these. Warfare Prayer for Spiritual Identity. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor. The Jericho March 33. He cast out demons and He commanded His disciples to cast them out, too. Guard my pastor from futile thinking (Eph. This may certainly not be an issue for your pastor's wife. I declare in the name of our Lord Jesus, poverty will be far from me and my linkage in Jesus name. 5. His spiritual ears and eyes. Amen. Ask forgiveness for spiritual adultery. 1. For Power In Ministry. 4:32-5:1). After the Service is Over. 24:15). Amen. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus name. Before Preaching. Where To Download Spiritual Warfare Prayers A R M O R Center Ministries Spiritual Warfare Prayers A R M O R Center Ministries A.R. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection. Through all of this, may we remain confident Your Church will survive and thrive. I address myself There is no other God like you. A second reason we know about spiritual warfare is because Jesus used it . Father grant them endurance, patience, greater faith, dependence, and trust in You. Spiritual Warfare Scriptures for Protection. The Believers Warfare Prayer. 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word! With the release of my book which will equip the church to engage in the fight for justice there was clearly an increase in warfare as a result. You are our fortress and defender. 3:3), and may their households always choose to serve You (Josh. I have seen men who can pray for ten hours non stop at prayer meetings but immediately they get home from the prayer meeting, they can beat up their wives. Read this book and become a prayer eagle! If the enemy can discourage the pastors wife, he can effectively impact the ministry. Why Pastors Need Intercessory Prayers Series: How to Pray for Your Pastor Romans 15:30 Introduction the intensity of spiritual warfare has increased so much this year. Prayer provides / assists in the deliverance of others who are undergoing. Ask God to shield her from the attacks of the evil one. Needs Of The Ministry. Prayer for Fortitude to Defend the Truth. You Free Access to Sermons on Warfare Prayer, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Warfare Prayer, and Preaching Slides on Warfare Prayer. The Enemy wants your pastors ministry destroyed. This prayer can be personalized by saying his name instead of the word pastor. The Warfare Parenting podcast welcomes you into real-life conversations with parents, counselors, pastors, doctors, and testimonies from healed prodigals. A declaration is made at end of each section which summarizes those prayers. The Enemy seeks to destroy. Loving Lord and heavenly King, give our pastor a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I pray for discernment in exposing any schemes of the enemy against my pastor. Prayer meetings were the arteries of the early church. Ps 31:23..Father, I thank You that our pastors are faithful, Let Your Holy Angels always reside at the location of their residence. Lord, I am Your End-Times warrior. Breaking Curses 34. Prayer: Heavenly Father, help our pastor (s) to be strong in Your mighty power. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to heavily anoint him with power to demonstrate the kingdom of God, in Jesus name. Prayer For Salvation Of A Dying Person in Coma 28. 3. Pray for protection against the schemes of the devil. Pray for an impartation of faith, focus, wisdom, leadership and fruitfulness to remain upon their lives. Let him be refreshed by the fact that your grace is sufficient for him . The Bible is full of blessings and spoken intentions for different needs. Prayer has a direct impact on spiritual warfare. This type of prayer is also known as spiritual warfare. You can download a free set of these Bible verses below. On the one hand, a lot of people are skeptics when it comes to anything invisible or supernatural. When it comes to warfare prayers and scriptures, you need to be in full armor. Follow the powerful 8 prayers of authority below and put the devil on the run: 1. Day One: The Greatest Commandment. Ask Him to bring you into profitable relationships that make for real money making, in Jesus name. Keep them save from the evil one and lead them not into temptation. You bless righteous people, O LORD. Training for Pastors and Leaders. Pray for divine wisdom in any situation for find yourself. JAN.2021 Page 3 We pray FATHER for the peace of Jerusalem. Ask God to guard his heart against bitterness, cynicism and resentment, and instead cause your pastor to treasure church members as the blood-bought bride of Jesus. Warfare prayer is a language of spiritual warfare. Prayer for Resistance to Sin. Here are some suggestions on how you might pray for your pastors wife: Pray for her spiritual protection. Pray that the Spirit would speak through her knowledge of Scripture and from the overflow of her heart. Pour Out A Fresh Anointing Our Pastor. I pray that You help us, pastors and church leaders, to live with purpose. Here is a practical plan: 1. In the premier series of the Warfare Parenting podcast, we will talk about many of the challenges that face our teens and young adults and lure them into some serious struggles. Your pastor will be tempted again and again. Luke 22:31-32. Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christseed of Jessie, this prayer is to eradicate mass weapons of the Devil. Prayer for Courage to Follow in the Saints Footsteps. *please do not use without previous ministry and warfare experience. I declare in the name of Jesus, I will never be broke in Jesus name. Prayer To Consecrate Anointing Oil 35. Pray for the city church to arise in every city of every nation.
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