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french military victories joke

french military victories jokefrench military victories joke

The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. featured 8 years ago. We thought we would try to share as many with you as possible. (Boub don't ban me bro/sis!) by. And there are of course plenty of other French military victories, from Valmy, Jena, Marengo, Friedland, and Austerlitz to the clashes that drove the Austrians out of Italy and the great battles on the Marne which stopped the Germans in 1914. Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 11:14 pm Post subject: French Military Victories: Type it in Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky." Posted by kwc on March 11, 2003 6:27 PM | Permalink. That one is quite good Because we have forgotten, collectively, what war means. Individually speaking only a few of the generation who is on Quora has really been in a wa raze. 1213 Victory of Muret. Number of Pages. The War also gave the French their first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved every since. Lerner's tribute to the long-running joke about the perceived incompetence of the French military quickly became a hit, racking up more than 50,000 hits in less than 24 hours of launch. military jokes and humor section is a collection of miltary humor, military jokes That an I'm feeling lucky Google search for 'french military victories' comes up with no matches and asks: Did you mean 'french military defeats', may be just an American joke. Battle of Trafalgar. Comment 222. Best Anti-Gun Jokes Mocking Gun Nuts. YES, French won a "war" single-handedly between 1648 and 1860, if you count Napoleon's wins. At the time, the Umayyad Caliphate was the most powerful military force in the world. Links 2 Love: The most funny stuff to email!Quizzes - including the - FUNNY STUFF QUIZ, and funny pictures - take all of the quizzes, and email them to your friends! To the surprise of all including the French soldiers involved, there have been minor military triumphs every few centuries. Please read all of them and let me know what you think. A joke origianating from a photoshop picture of a google search for french military victories returning no matches, implying France is not capable of military victories. And one of the most obvious supporters of the barons was Roger de Mortimer. Menu. France becomes the first and only country to ever lose two wars when fighting Italians. Hundred Years War: Mostly lost, saved at last by a female schizophrenic who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare - "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchmen." Source So 6) French generalship so far is superior thanks to the not-Raglan principle. who gave them Normandy in return for peace. Posted On February 16, 2021 06:47:00. 07. due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British footwear designer. The Coast Guard Gets into WWII Three Months Early. Theres no question about it: A singular blemish in French history is to blame for their eternal ridicule. To see the battle. But, strictly speaking, they shouldn't be counted because the Napoleonic wars as a whole were a loss for France in the end. Every time I pick up a history book, I always read about the French forces losing this battle, and losing that battle, to no end. Best Late-Night Jokes About Bin Laden's Death. FALaholic # 5533 Joined Feb 9, 2002 Posts 679 Now that is pretty damn funny!! CATM Larry Well-known member. Temporary victories (remember the First Rule!) 5) French zouaves were hardcore badasses. By Matthew Moore and Matthewmoore 17 September 2009 In my opinion, the German military is much more efficient than the French. I assume that "stronger" in the question stands for quality and not for Entering the search phrase French military victories and hitting the Im Feeling Lucky button takes the searcher to a mocked-up page of Google that says, Your search French military victories did not match Dcouvre des vidos courtes en rapport avec french vs us military sur TikTok. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles the world over to label the period as the height of French military power. William, the Duke of Normandy and King Henry I of France are victorious against the rebel Normans led by Guy of Burgundy. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian. Mar 17, 2003 #5 #5 Mar 17, 2003. "Ok, show me the one beside it, the rifle". Complete list of French Military Victories See also French military victories. Posted - 2008.08.09 10:38:00 - [ 24] The french have had many military victories, but unfortunately. The Battle of Cajamarca (taking place on November 16, 1532 AD) is sometimes counted among one of those victories for the Spaniards won against overwhelming odds. I don't believe this claim is correct. Military Units . 4 Roger De Mortimer. 1627 La Rochelle, France. Type in French Military Victories Hit I'm feeling lucky.:biggrin:. - Gallic Wars - Lost. Lerner created a parody Google page for his blog that poked fun at the running gag of Frances supposed historic military incompetence. - American Revolution Welcome to r/Funny, Reddit's largest humour depository. 50 BC - Julius Caesar writes On the Gauls about expanding the Roman Empire North East, then West, then North West, then North = = = = = = = >From: (Dan Loeb) >Subject: French military victories. I think curme is correct, it is that old! Still very clever and funny nonetheless. I agree with the original answer , I have travelled the WW1 battle sites on many occasions , no one talks of surrender when you see the row apon ro Macron reelected as President, the French newspaper Le Monde declared as polls closed on Sunday evening and first projections emerged. [7] 8. - Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, saved at last by a female schizophrenic who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman." Google loves to slip in-jokes and hidden features known as "easter eggs" into its products. Norse invasions, 841-911. Napoleon Bonaparte won several sub-wars that were part of Napoleonic wars. It seems this thread is attracting a lot of so-called 'wits' which are trying to hide biggotry under the pretext of humor. follow. The only war listed as a win for the French was the French Revolution, in which they fought themselves. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian. FALaholic # 5533 Joined Feb 9, 2002 Posts 679 Now that is pretty damn funny!! Posted at 6:22 am by Danke on June 2, Type "French Military Victories" in Google and hit "I'm feeling lucky" Feel Good, Funny, Gag, Memes, WTF Meme, Gag. Chris Christie. Whit Monday (Lundi de Pentecte), Assumption Day (Assomption), All Saints Day (Toussaint), and. Simply put: there are. Neither is particularly fair. The French Army was poorly led and their government abandoned them. Nothing against the indivi But when you think about it, it's hard to come up with a war in which La France has been notably victorious - no, hang on, there was their victory over Greenpeace in 1985 when their navy 84SS Well-known member. French Military Victories in History email in circulation | Feb 7th | undetermined . French President Emmanuel Macron has succeeded in his reelection bid winning 58.2 percent of the votes ahead of Marine Le Pens 41.8, exit polls show. 4 - Wars of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots. success all round then! :) A key part of the article is the claim. Okay, I know we rag on the French a lot around here, but that one was very funny! There are several pages in this section. Actually, it was the fall of France in six weeks in May 1940 that really solidified the modern reputation of France in military terms. See the clas In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of French history, France is > The French military victories Google bomb was created in 2003 by Steve Lerner, a university student from Toronto. It is further perpetuated by a incorrect, biased, and very childish list of wars France has fought in, Why all this harping back to the dbcle of 1940? The French were caught out by the Ardennes offensive in 1940, just like the Allies were at the Sorry I have to share this, it is very funny. All joking aside however I chalk up much of France's dismal military record to a rather horrible strategic geographical position. 84SS Well-known member. France(3) Google(68) Googlewhack(1) related entries. the french military victory one is not google if u press the 'im felling lucky' button it will take you to the first google link if u type french military victories there are links wen u press search its a hoax on a site called albino black lool The British military wasn't any better than the French one in WW1. 0.2in. But this logic forgets the 60 to 90,000 soldiers killed during the Battle of France and the other victories of the French army, starting with those won by the Free French Forces led by General de Gaulle. The Battle of Hastings is probably one of the most famous French military victories in history. 110 Pages. Actually yes, and by far. Here is a list of all the wars involving France in its history: Liste des guerres de la France [ We ended up with more whitespace than anticipated--a LOT more--but hey, at least we gave it a shot.Honestly, there's no history here. As of May 2, 2011, the page is no longer listed in Google's first few results for "French military victories", but several links on the list go to sites recounting the joke. Particularly selective readers will probably not enjoy the digests, and may want to killfile RHF jokes with "Digest" in the title - ed. 1047 - Battle of Val-es-Dunes. The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. You will quickly discover why the Rosary is beloved and depended upon by those serving in the armed forces. :D Completely unconnected with the olympics, of course;) . The Best Late-Night Jokes Skewering Former NJ Gov. Item Length. Why do French tanks have rear view mirrors? Then I come on the internet and read people's jokes about the French being really bad at war. World War One (1914-1918) Intervention in the Russian Civil War (1918-1921) Mar 17, 2003 #1 #1 Mar 17, 2003. So they can see the rest of their boats. Google; what is this? Feel Good, Funny, Gag, Memes, WTF Meme, Gag. - War of the Spanish Succession - Lost. Best Barack Obama Jokes. Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Here are 15 of our favourites. Item Weight. Wasn't this first posted during the The Napoleonic Wars? They used an early system of semaphores to relay LOLs. Or are we restarting the internet s

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french military victories joke

french military victories joke