Mech Tech CCU Pistol conversion upper. These are fun, they make your Glock or 1911 framed pistol into a carbine. Mech-Tech Systems Mailing Address is: Mech-Tech Systems Inc. 3243 US Hwy 93 S Kalispell, MT 59901 Full specifications: My initial impression is this Unit is built very well and with high quality parts. The downside to the Mech-Tech is that it's heavy, due to the massive bolt, because it's still a blowback design. As is goes, too each is their own! I trust it enough that I’d use it to defend my home and loved ones. But I emailed them asking about the 10mm version. Finally put together a video with sights on the Mech Tech. Frankly, I'm surprised that there are not more 10mm carbines available. The CCU is officially a handgun accessory according to the ATF and only your Glock itself is the controlled item. Mar 31, 2016. The longer the barrel, faster the bullet. Just to give you an example: 18" Marlin 1894c in .357 for deer hunting. We often use the Shooter's Arms double stack 12 shot compact and the Rock Island or Para double stack 14 shot with the CCU. I said earlier "almost any frame". I figure there are two reasons for the pistol caliber carbines. Rating - 0%. May 16, 2011. ... accuracy and ballistics of the host gun in virtually every way. The 6.02" barrel with high performance ammunition certainly adds velocity over the G20 10mm. The Glock conversion kit is offered chambered in 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, 10mm Auto, and .45 ACP, while the Springfield uppers are being produced in 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. My Mech Tech CCU upper on a Glock 22 lower. That's a good set up. I then ordered a custom 10mm VBob from Keith. and with a red dot good for 100-150 yds. Numerous new or preowned gun parts are available on eBay to keep GLOCKs in working condition when you need them most. I am pretty sure that my Open SV was more accurate than the Mech-Tech. The Mech Tech Pistol Conversion Unit (PCU) is a drop-in system that preserves its host’s status as a handgun while offering increased cartridge velocity, firing stability and … But the G40 sufficiently fills the need for what I need it for. Bullet construction, sectional density, and more all come into play. Fit and finish is very good. It’s safe to say, there are ample 9mm options in the 20₵ to 30₵ per round range, while the same class of 10mm ammo runs roughly 10₵ more. No FFL required. I have one in 10mm. Who would imagine shooting my full house 10mm (180gr at 1250fps) would feel roughly like a … This is (of course) 10MM. Ensure accurate and on-time fulfillment and shipment of all customer orders. They weigh in at 3.2lbs, front heavy. I personally never experienced the kind of accuracy that Eric claims, mine would hold a pie plate at 75 yards, that is about all that I could hope for. In the case of GLOCK, this means small frame (9mm, .40 S&W, or .357 Sig) or large frame (10mm or .45 ACP) — click here for the list of compatible frames. Compared to the aluminum and plastic Kel-Tec Sub 2000, the MechTech is definitely of higher quality. Handgun Caliber: 10mm Auto. All Mech-Tech barrels are button rifled and have a one-turn-in-16-inches twist rate. Last year, I was sent a Wildey “Death Wish” Survivor pistol in .45 Winchester Magnum to test. That’s like eight shots of 1,900 foot pounds of energy each (compared to the .44 Magnum at about 1,500 maximum of energy). Perhaps the coolest benefit here is that the small or large GLOCK frames are identical regardless of … Sort by... Category (a-z) Category (z-a) Best match Time Listed (Newest first) Time Listed (Oldest first) Price (Highest first) Price (Lowest first) 20 50 100 250. I received it last week. Includes 2 parablock adapters. At one point it appears they offered a 10mm version for us Colt Delta Elite owners but had dropped it from the catalog. I believe Mech Tech is a quality product but my concern is that the Mech Tech blow-back mechanism may require "near-max" / +P loads to function reliably. 10mm.41 Mag.44 Special.44 Mag.45 ACP ('08).45 ACP ('15).45 Colt.45 Super.460 Rowland.223 Rifle Acknowledgements. I was only able to find an HK that (I think) is way out of my price range, a Vector MP5 "clone" that has a horrible reputation for failures, an Olympic Arms AR-style (not that I'd buy from Olympic), and this Mech Tech conversion unit. Recommended Posts. In 460 Rowland I've managed to get 185-grain bullets up to a bit over 2,000 fps out of the Mech-Tech's 16 inch barrel, accuracy is VERY good, some 50-yards 5-shot groups have come in under an inch. It’s safe to say, there are ample 9mm options in the 20₵ to 30₵ per round range, while the same class of 10mm ammo runs roughly 10₵ more. Temporary +1. Unlimited $125 referral bonus! If Tech Mech makes a 10 mm it might be a cool to have one...I don't know if anyone makes high cap 1911 10mm mags, so that might be a BuzzKill. The only downside is the warning not to use Underwood hot 10mm rounds. MechTech CCU - - - cost. (Need a 6” bbl) But I searched them out and I do very much like the feel and idea but the costs. 10mm you are limited to 15; in .40 you can get 22 rd Glock factory mags. It ran flawlessly and was very accurate. Some Months back we had a couple threads on the Ruger GPs in 43 Spl and 10mm. I get about 3-4 MOA at 300 yards with a SeeAll Open Sight on my MechTech and I believe I could get tighter with a magnified optic. Posted December 28, 2017. I purchased a Mech Tech Carbine Upper for an extra model 20 SF frame I had. DO NOT SEND PISTOL FRAME! Answer (1 of 7): You don't say you are fixated on this. Sun Optics 200 lumen flashlight. Price: $450.00 Buy Now. 10mm.41 Mag.44 Special.44 Mag.45 ACP ('08).45 ACP ('15).45 Colt.45 Super.460 Rowland.223 Rifle Acknowledgements. And because the CCU-equipped 1911 uses readily available .45 ACP ammo, it’s great for self-defense or taking out a coyote without taking up too much space in my ride. And if you needed any more convincing, the MechTech CCU also increases the performance, accuracy and ballistics of the host gun in virtually every way. The 6.02" barrel with high performance ammunition certainly adds velocity over the G20 10mm. With a 3x prism or swing out magnifier and rifle hot loads, accurate at 200 yds . The .460 Rowland® Tougher Buffer Recoil System was originally designed as an integral part of our .460 Rowland® Cobra Conversion. UAW membership when hired in. From the 20 I get 1200fps and Mech Tech 1900fps (same ammo). ... For high-velocity loads, Accurate No. It has turned out to be one the most fun guns I have. Well, I went and did it now. It is as accurate as the shooter and ammo will allow. Here’s a short list of some of the best ammo out there for a 10mm pistol: Underwood 165 grain Gold Dot. The CCU is essentially an upper for your semi-automatic pistol, so if you own a Glock, a 1911 or a Springfield XD, you can convert it into a pistol-caliber carbine. 7.4k Members 4 Online Created Jul 2, 2012 The Mech-Tech is the rifle equivalent of an upper receiver, or the pistol equivalent of a slide assembly. This Custom Silverback was my first 10mm. The whole CCU feels heavy definitely of substance. I will say at least with FMJ ammo / defensive loads my mech tech seems a lot more accurate then then some of the pistol PDW's Ive been testing jsut being honest. I have the 9mm CCU for my G17; lots of fun and accurate with quality ammo. The … Sun Optics 200 lumen flashlight. I bought this a few months back as a companion to my 10mm 1911, but I haven't had a chance to shoot it until yesterday. In addition to the 1911, Mech-Tech now makes the drop-in conversions in multiple versions and for the Springfield XD, XD-M, and many Glock models (See Scot Loveland’s article on the Glock 10mm conversion in Firearms News, issue 27, 2017). Its 1.280-inch length has a big part in this because of the angles at which long rounds feed compared to short rounds in the same gun design. Reed’s 180 grain Golden Saber. Mine has a mini-Quad rail in the front ($35), an M-4 collapsible stock ($90), and a Tru-Glow Red Dot. This means that you can use the receiver only, purchased from UncleTed2012 at GunBroker for around $250 and get an upper receiver from MechTech. mwoods211. MechTech’s carbine conversion unit is a new “upper” for your pistol. This is an easy fix and the 9mm/38 Super ejector will work fine with 45ACP/10MM/40S&W cartridges with the original pistol reassembled. I was warned that this would happen, but tried one anyway... A Colt Delta Elite opened the door to a Glock 40 MOS, which held that door wide open for a Mech Tech CCU Carbine Upper and another G40 MOS. If I wanted to stop there, then maybe just go with a 15-shot 10mm like the Springfield XD-M. Sep 4, 2016 - MechTech review requested - page 2 - Miscellaneous 10mm Firearms - 10mm-Firearms. How would cast boolits fare in a Glock 20 CCU? It's a blast to shoot, and accurate. MechTech does make a CCU/upper that will mate with the Glock 20 & 40 and other 10mm/45ACP pistols. Not Attached in the photo ( I like it better than the 500 dollar plastic surefire) I reload 40 caliber for this with 200 grain SWC, getting an estimated 1200 fps out of the 16" barrel. Sidecarist. The HP 10mm carbine provides the first, but not the second. How It Works. My Mech Tech CCU upper on a Glock 22 lower. Link to comment. Before returning your CCU to Mech-Tech Systems please remove all non Mech-Tech accessories such as scopes, slings etc. Dec 3, 2016. They are offered for G17; G17C; G34; G19; G19C; G20; G20C; G21; G21C; G22; G35; G22C; G23; G23C; G31; G32; G32C and the respective 'SF' … We can buy hot 10 or make it ourselves and it's really not problem getting 1300 FPS and over 600 foot pounds of energy. 10mm and 45 ACP magazines are interchangeable between the Glock Model 20 and 21 frames.. D. I simply cannot justify 800$ revolver from Ruger. I've got a MechTech ccu in 10mm. As is goes, too each is their own! Its not perfect, but its certainly worth picking up if you are looking for a rugged, affordable Glock carbine conversion. jungblud59 on January 21, 2022 at 1:51 am. Thread starter Pat-inCO; Start date Jun 10, 2020; Help Support Ruger Forum: ... Really FUN to shoot and a perceptible improvement in accuracy (DUH). Quick view Compare Add to Cart. My mechtech 10mm carbine= outstanding(fit, function and accuracy)! I have a 10mm and a 40 & ABSOLUTELY NOT NEED MAX! ADVANTAGE ARMS .22 CONVERSION KIT FITS G17/22 GEN5 W/ RANGE BAG. First impression...damn it is compact and really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mechtech Carbine Conversion Unit (CCU) is an ‘upper’ for an autoloading pistol. NRA member, GSSF member and a GCA. While every effort is made to include accurate and correct images, descriptions and pricing for all products, inadvertent errors may occur. I too have a Delta Elite and would love for this conversion. No problems. 10mm responds much better to longer barrels than 45ACP so I did not carry through with the 45ACP conversion buy. I had some time yesterday so assembled it put a set of open sights on it and ran some rounds through it. Light weight, accurate and cheap to feed. I am pretty sure that my Open SV was more accurate than the Mech-Tech. Feb 22, 2015 102 1. Good 10mm and .460 loads have more muzzle energy than a 5.56. You already mentioned the logistics of ammo sharing, which can extend to same mags, same reliading components. Glock 20SF and my Glock 29. Jun 10, 2020 #2 Snowninja ... even with the $30 discount they’re offering... :mrgreen: Just noticed they make them in 10mm as well. It feels solid and well made. If you're looking for properly mild to hot loaded 10mm at an affordable price for practice with your 10mm firearms this is the stuff you need to get without a doubt. Just amazed! I personally never experienced the kind of accuracy that Eric claims, mine would hold a pie plate at 75 yards, that is about all that I could hope for. 40 smith in a 10 or 16” barrel packs a punch and is significantly cheaper to shoot. MechTech Systems offers pistol carbine conversion units (CCU) for Glock, 1911, and the XD/M models. That will put you somewhere around the $450 mark. easy. I was only 9 points down for the entire 14 stage match. Buy a mech tech online Now! Jul 11, 2019. For example, a Model 1911 magazine holds eight .45 ACP cartridges, nine 10mm Auto cartridges, and 10 .38 Super cartridges. Ronald_55. Then there is .45 Super at around 700 foot pounds for its strongest load — right in the range of upper-end 10mm loads. ... I’ve got another 10 mm carbine upper that I ordered from Mech Tech, you put a Glock inside of it. The Mech Tech is a blast literally. You're getting caught up on just one factor of an effective bullet. ... Mech-Tech Systems has the EGW ejectors for purchase if your pistol does not eject shells properly using our CCU. C. If you have a 45 ACP Glock G21 but want to use a 10mm Mech-Tech carbine, you will need 10mm Glock magazines. So far it has been totally reliable aside from one case failure that was likely an ammo issue. Condition at least... NIB Never fired Used, As New Used, Minor Wear Used - See Item Description. The .38 Super feeds reliably. I run a Glock 20 on my setup more or less dedicated , totally reliable (over 2000 rnds.) The problem is not the barrel, it is the fact that the barrel "free floats" inside of the tubular upper receiver. I recently "found" MechTech Systems carbine conversions for 1911's. I figure there are two reasons for the pistol caliber carbines. The MechTech CCU, or "Carbine Conversion Unit," converts your pistol into a carbine without all the hassles. What kind of accuracy can I expect? It was easy to assemble everything works great it functioned flawlessly with three 10 round mags. I posted this in handguns as well because the carbine was a handgun originally. $16.75 - $16.85 an hour. Not much better than a decent 10mm pistol, really. Once a bullet leaves the barrel it immediately start slowing down. I can over pressure 155xtp rounds with it, but not in my glocks or springfield xdm! Posted 5 days ago. For 1911s they’ve got ’em in 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10mm, .45 ACP, and the jaw-dropping .460 Rowland. odd weapons. Would make a great 100-150 yard deer and hog gun. Probably 10mm. GLOCKs are ergonomic firearms designed for widespread operation. Instead of the original fixed stock, the unit is now sold without a stock so the owner can add either fixed, CAR-type, or telescoping wire. … Well this shooting video popped up while I was looking at something else. And it's just a fantastic load. After that I moved on to the MechTech CCU. The other is improved practical accuracy (gun and shooter), allowing a little more 'reach' over the handgun. I like the collapsible stock and red dot. handgun; By Ronald_55, December 28, 2017 in Handguns. Fairly accurate for me as well. YES, there are more expensive, finer made, precisely accurate, top quality, beautiful 10MM pistols available. I assembled an AR carbine in 9MM using a lower from PSA that uses Glock mags. One is the ballistic gain from the longer barrel. A feeding block is installed inside the pistol frame to facilitate feeding into the barrel. Might not sound like a huge margin, but start sending a lot of rounds downrange it adds up. I have shot the Mech Tech in .45ACP and I was surprised how accurate and fun it was to shoot. Carbine conversion. If you carry yours like I carry mine you’ll loose a lot of brass and 10mm brass isn’t the cheapest. Well, the 10mm bug bit bad. shot less than 50 rounds. As a woods gun with 15 rounds of 200 grain hard cast it will do the job. I'm looking for a 610, a 1076, a long slide Witness, and will probably end up with a reloading press - all due to this lousy 10mm round ! CALL: (866) 433-2122 Only show this user. Get notified when Sig Sauer P320 XTEN 10mm Auto 5" Bbl Optics Ready Pistol w/(2) 15rd Steel Mags 320X5-10-BXR3-R2 is back in stock FFL Requirements This item can only be shipped to a Licensed Federal Firearms Dealer. I have to second on this! Only show this user. 10MM Carbine called the mech tech. Comes with an M4 collapsible stock, front and read folding sights, and a red/green optic sight the MechTech guy assures me I can still use the iron sights with. ... ones who say 650+ for an accessory is too much, but buy a 1,500+ dollar 1911! Manufacturing- PAY INCREASE. Cost of handgun ammo over rifle ammo for training. I bought the 9mm version due to 33 rd factory Glock mags. Rest assured, if you get the Mech-Tech upper in .460 Rowland, you can plink away with inexpensive .45 ACP ammo with no fear of malfunctions. Revolver Pistol. Sent from my Commodore 64 yesterday. YES, there are more expensive, finer made, precisely accurate, top quality, beautiful 10MM pistols available. Mild to wild, accurate and reliable. Mech-Tech's basic CCU model is very, very rugged. Recent Stories. So here goes: A carbine and a pistol using the same cartridge has a long history going back to wheel guns and lever action rifles. Now included on all .460 Rowland® 1911 Conversions, it is also available as a stand-alone assembly to enhance the performance of your existing 1911 Conversion or your stock 1911 .45 ACP (or 10mm) handgun. And because the CCU-equipped 1911 uses readily available .45 ACP ammo, it’s great for self-defense or taking out a coyote without taking up too much space in my ride. Might not sound like a huge margin, but start sending a lot of rounds downrange it adds up. Manufacturer: Mechtech. check this video out SWAGA at the end they talk about the 1095 and adding that stock to it! Sep 4, 2016 - MechTech review requested - page 2 - Miscellaneous 10mm Firearms - 10mm-Firearms. Mech Tech of Kalispell, MT, offers what they bill as their Carbine Conversion Unit (CCU) for Glock-series handguns. I have two Mech Tech units in 10mm One for a 1911 the other is for my Glock G20 They are surprisingly accurate and very reliable. Just like AR-style semi-auto rifles, your typical semi-auto pistol could be … Decided I had to get a 10mm carbine, but went the cheapest way I could and got a MechTech conversion unit. Not much better than a decent 10mm pistol, really. Handles PC'd Lyman 452374, 452630, 452460 and the Accurate 45-200E perfectly. Dropping some cases into the chamber shows very good case support. Description: Mechtech systems M4 adjustable stock CCU for the 1911 in 10mm. For 1911s they’ve got ’em in 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10mm, .45 ACP, and the jaw-dropping .460 Rowland. Now we are getting somewhere. Does anyone have any experience with these units with velocity/accuracy results? In addition to the M1911 unit tested here, Mech Tech produces CCUs that are compatible with both compact and full-size Glock models and most Springfield XD/XD (M) platforms. You now have two 10mm guns instead of one and a clamp on kit. The Mech Tech Pistol Conversion Unit (PCU) is a drop-in system that preserves its host’s status as a handgun while offering increased cartridge velocity, firing stability and … As a woods gun with 15 rounds of 200 grain hard cast it will do the job. Submerged arc welding is used for the production of long continuous weldings.In this case,a bare electrode (1.5-10mm) in the form of continuous wire is used; and the arc is struck between electrode wire and work piece under the flux,consisting of lime,silica,magnesium oxide,calcium fluoride and other elements.The flux is fed as a powder in front of the … Followers 1. Jeremy S did a detailed review on the .45 and 10mm versions on TTAG: Gear/Gun Review: MechTech Carbine Conversion Unit -- TTAG Jeremy's video review here: Mar 6, 2015 #7 K. knc1105 Member. CLICK ANY PHOTO TO EXPAND . It is presently available for the standard 1911 Government style pistols, though models for other pistols (Glock, Beretta, Browning) are promised. The MechTech conversion kit is compatible with a number of different full-size and compact Glocks chambered in 9mm, .357 Sig, 40 S&W, 10mm Auto and .45 ACP. I have two Mech Tech units in 10mm. MSRP: Was: Now: $265.00. The HP 10mm carbine provides the first, but not the second. The drawback to 10mm I can see is loosing the brass and cost. 5 A Mechtech CCU will mate with either a single or double stack 1911. At no additional charge Mech Tech will install the accessory rails you want on your unit (only applies to new purchases). Our accessories that attach to the rails such as lights, sights, etc, are very easy to install. Please see our accessories page to see what we have available! Is is legal to convert the CCU back to the original pistol? Yes. You can buy a dedicated lower (without a slide) on Gun Broker for around $200. In the Glock platform: 9mm, .45ACP, .40S&W, and .357SIG. Apr 1, 2019. mwoods211. SWAGA said: Keep your Glock and buy a used 1095 and put it in a HTA stock. Every other review on YT in 9mm/40S&W/45ACP carbines were extremely accurate. In addition to the M1911 unit tested here, Mech Tech produces CCUs that are compatible with both compact and full-size Glock models and most Springfield XD/XD (M) platforms. These are fun, they make your Glock or 1911 framed pistol into a carbine. As a matter of fact, a .45 ACP 1911 frame can be adapted for the .40 S&W CCU or 10MM CCU, just by using the appropriate magazine. Works very well with my Glock 20. FROM: JOEL B. There were good reasons for it. GLOCK 17 parts, GLOCK 19 parts, and GLOCK 22 parts are among the many affordable models available on eBay. In 460 Rowland I've managed to get 185-grain bullets up to a bit over 2,000 fps out of the Mech-Tech's 16 inch barrel, accuracy is VERY good, some 50-yards 5-shot groups have come in under an inch. But since this is a RIFLE or CARBINE Forum I thought it would be interesting to post the info up for your information. Last edited: Jan 9, 2007. 10mm M1 Carbine is a great idea except someone beat you to the idea about 30 years ago with a .45 Winchester Magnum-chambered M1 Carbine manufactured by Universal. I got so impatient waiting I bought a Wilson CQB in 10mm. And if you needed any more convincing, the MechTech CCU also increases the performance, accuracy and ballistics of the host gun in virtually every way
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