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which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

10. B) A firm's organizational chart is the best indicator of its mission. For those of you who are part of executive-level teams, your team synonymously represents the organizationit starts at the top! Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company. c. A company's culture cannot be taught-managers must hire people that have the right culture. Subsidiaries of the same organization operating in different countries have exactly same values. b. B) Most U.S. managers do not view profit maximization as a moral obligation. C. relatively few artifacts representing the organization's culture. a. C. One of the EU's members is the Soviet Union. TRUE Chapter - Chapter 14 #153 Difficulty: Easy Gradable: automatic Learning Objective: 6 154. D) All of the above are accurate. B. D) The responsibility for creating and sustaining ethical corporate cultures rests on law. It manifests itself in members' self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and expectations for the organization's future success. An organization with a strong culture has common values and codes of . A) Espoused values are the same thing as enacted values. Quiz & Worksheet . It exists only in the top management of an organization. A) An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs. Symbol, Slogan, Ceremony, or Story) that they represent a. Only those who supervise others need to understand organizational culture. An organization's founder has little influence on its culture. B. . This difference of opinion reflects differences in expectations about power difference and locus of control. culture that remains stable for too long will become dysfunctional Culture can be 41. Groups must be understood as functioning within a larger system. There are a variety of ways to lessen stress in the workplace. A. a weak organizational culture. D. Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees. The individual level does not impact the group level. An . True. True False 2.Organizational structures are always explicitly defined. The Byzantine Empire helped to reunite the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. C. Mental models are mainly used to decipher an organization's culture. The main purpose of a bicultural audit is to: A. determine whether a company's organizational culture is sufficiently strong. c. Culture provides employees with a road map and a set of rules for how work gets done and how people interact in the company. 20) Which of the following statements is true regarding effects of national culture on organizational culture and ethical behavior within organization? b. D. Mental models can blind employees to new opportunities and unique problems. A) The concept of organizational or corporate culture was popularized in the early 1930s. Select the true statement about organizational cultures. 2) Match the following examples to the element of culture (Hero. The men in the cartoon displayed above are both wearing silly checkered hats. C. The Byzantine Empire helped preserve ancient Greek culture and literature. c. A company's culture cannot be taught-managers must hire people that have the right culture. a) operations, marketing, and human resources b) marketing, human resources, and finance/accounting c) sales, quality control,. Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on productivity within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward defining an organization's objectives. D. a culture that is misaligned with its external environment. Which of the following statements is true regarding the establishment of organizational culture and its effects on the organization? Which of the following statements is true regarding the establishment of organizational culture and its effects on the organization? Register now or log in to answer. b) It can only be conveyed through formal communication between managers and subordinates. Summarize the three basic categories of action chains. Organizational culture is rarely related to performance. B) Espoused values automatically influence employee behavior C) Most companies have a long list of mission statements D) Espoused values are often established by the founder or top management. Symbol, Slogan, Ceremony, or Story) that they represent a. What the . Which of the following is the best description of organizational culture? Organizational culture gives employees a sense of identity. Answer: True False 43. A) change or develop the structure of an organization B) change the culture of an organization C) organize . b. The EU created a free trade agreement with the United States. Organizational culture is descriptive, whereas job satisfaction is evaluative. (d) It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization. 2. Explanation: As the organization culture is the working culture at which the employees are working. . Mental models are one of the artifacts of organizational culture. Culture Which of the following statements is true about organizational culture? Which of the following is not a characteristic of organization culture? A) An organization's espoused values are a better cultural indicator than are its enacted values. a. The policies, plans, procedures, vision, mission, goals, objectives represent the organization culture. Governance practices reflect the organization's unique 84. Describe the history of Caf Nero. 6.Which of the following statements is true of the change management process? 2) Match the following examples to the element of culture (Hero. The main purpose of a bicultural audit is to: A. determine whether a company's organizational culture is sufficiently strong. Mental models usually help to improve organizational effectiveness. Organizational culture encompasses an organization's expectations, experiences, philosophy, as well as the values that influence member conduct. (True) 2. Strong organizational cultures can be an organizing as well as a controlling mechanism for . Which of the following statements is true of organizational culture? Cultural problems can arise when two companies with different cultures merge. C. Mental models are mainly used to decipher an organization's culture. An organizational culture determines the behavioral norms of a particular organization. An organization's founder has little influence on its culture. a) It is absent in large organizations. d. The actions managers take can change a company's culture. Simpler organizations typically have cultures that require more communication than complex organizations do. d. The actions managers take can change a company's culture. Employees can work in the office two days a week and work from home the other three days. C) The board of directors, not the founder sets the tone, emphasizing what is most important. A. A. a weak organizational culture. D. Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees. A. B. Artifacts are the leftover parts of the organization that cannot fit into its culture. T/F Corporate culture provides rules that govern behavior within the organization. Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which govern how people behave in organizations. (b) It defines the internal environment of an organization. The culture of a homogeneous organization requires more adaptation to participants' values than that of a multicultural organization. B. 41. (False; Moderate; p. (False) 3. Which of the following is true about corporate culture B) An organization is a formal, legal entity with internal rules and procedures that must abide by laws. Which of the following statements is not true? An . (c) It ensures consistency in the behavior of organization members. B. b) It is a dynamic, living realm of meaning constructed through communications at the topmost level of the company. 8. Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true ? A. 84. A strong culture is a system of rules that spells out how people should behave . People with political savvy make decisions that: A.. Organizational culture expresses shared assumptions, values and beliefs, and is the social glue holding an organization together . c.The cristae increase the inner surface area of the organelle. b. The Byzantine Empire was able to restore the old Roman Empire. E. an adaptive culture. Question: 19 Which of the following statements about organizational culture is false? Select all that apply.1 / 1 point It is the sole responsibility of the project manager It includes the successful delivery and adoption of a completed project It requires buy-in from stakeholders before team members It requires Simpler organizations typically have cultures that require more communication than complex organizations do. These have a strong correlative influence on behavior, as well as performance in the organization as a whole. Employees hold beliefs and values governing their behaviour. C. relatively few artifacts representing the organization's culture. a. While the CVF is an interesting approach, it has no research support. c. The individual level forms the base of the levels. Symbol, Slogan, Ceremony, or Story) that they represent. 35) Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true? The culture of a homogeneous organization requires more adaptation to participants' values than that of a multicultural organization. C. Organizations tend to have one dominant type of culture. D. The Byzantine language, Greek, became the dominant language throughout Europe. True False 3.An organization's structure develops as managers assign tasks to work groups and specific individuals and coordinate the diverse activities required to attain . =Culture can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of . B) A company's organizational culture is determined almost entirely by management. a) It is invariably the same as the company's official organizational culture. Select the statement that indicates an internal locus of control. B. a strong counterculture. Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company. Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true? Which of the following best describes organizational culture? Answer: True False 42. B. Follow . 396) Organizational socialization is a process of both learning and adjustment. D. a culture that is misaligned with its external environment. Which of the following statements about business culture within an organization is true? 2) Match the following examples to the element of culture (Hero. a. a. Check all that apply. Question: 1) Which of the following is a true statement about organizational culture? Strong orga nizational culture can eliminate the need for rules and bylaws. Team Exercise: Apply The 7 Characteristics Of Organizational Culture To Your Team. In the performance-driven organizational culture, employee rewards vary little from person to person and are not much based on . A) Organizations can safely ignore local culture while establishing its operation in another country. Which of the following statements about the Byzantine Empire is true? 1. T/F An integrative culture shows high concern for performance and little . Governance does not largely depend on organizational culture for effectiveness. Strong orga nizational culture can eliminate the need for rules and bylaws. b.The matrix contains metabolic enzymes involved in energy production. Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that helps individuals understand which behaviors are and are not appropriate within an organization. Employees are required to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and can choose additional hours before/after this period. An understanding of the characteristics of organizational climate and culture as well as the possible dimensions of an organizational climate is essential to success on the quiz. D. Which of the following statements is true about the actual organizational culture of a company? Organizational design requires a manager to _____. Select the true statement about organizational cultures. Answer: True False 43. Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that help employees determine appropriate or inappropriate behavior. Two part-time employees work in different shifts and share the tasks of a specific job. Stress, or the body's response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual. The EU was created to secure the independence of all European countries. A) change or develop the structure of an organization B) change the culture of an organization C) organize . The components of organizational culture. Relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction. A) The organization's culture begins with its employees. Employees develop shared interpretation of organizational reality. A. Air. C) Even if ignored, organizational culture could reinforce a perception that "anything goes," and "any way to a better bottom line is acceptable," building long-term sustainability. Which of the following statements about air is TRUE? View Answer The explicit aspects of organizational culture include. Organizational culture (Connect) Which of the following statements about culture are true? Which of the following is true about mental models? The five bases of power are mutually exclusive. Organizational culture includes an organization's expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and . Definition. d. C) An organization is a collection of . Which of the following statement is true regarding an organization's culture? (a) It differentiates one organization from another. Kimberly works for a law firm that established an unlimited vacation policy to give its employees more freedom. Cultures can be a source of competitive advantage for organizations. Now that you've had an opportunity to think about your organization, you can also apply the same 7 levels to your team. d. The group-level approach is generally superior to the individual-level approach in assessing leader effectiveness. A. Which of the following statements about business culture within an organization is true? This policy supports the company's organizational culture. B) The founder is often the visionary who provides a powerful role model for others to follow. Mental models usually help to improve organizational effectiveness. d. The actions managers take can change a company's culture. The correct answer is C) A dominant culture expresses the core values shared by most of the organization's members. C. Artifacts represent the directly observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture. A. C) The most difficult level of an organization's culture to identify is its artifacts. Give. E. an adaptive culture. D. The EU. b. A. Artifacts are the same as organizational culture. The mission statement must be provided to the employees when they first enter the firm to be effective. d) It helps ensure that all members of a company share values. In addition to the organizational culture, the finance department emphasizes attention to detail. It is seldom seen in profit-making businesses. This difference of opinion reflects differences in expectations about power difference and locus of control. Mental models are one of the artifacts of organizational culture. Which of the following statements is true of organizations that practice the entitlement approach? In addition to the organizational culture, the finance department emphasizes attention to detail. Select the statement that indicates an internal locus of control. B. D. Artifacts are the observable indicators that the organization does not have a culture. World History The 20th Century (1900 CE - 2000 CE) 20th Century Wars, Conflicts, and Revolution. People generally use only one base of power to effect change in others. A. specific organization can have characteristics of only one type of culture. The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization. c. Effective mission statements are well known by employees. c. A company's culture cannot be taught-managers must hire people that have the right culture. Watch the videos describing specific organizational cultures. Organizational design requires a manager to _____. Quiz & Worksheet Goals. Answer (B) is correct. Which of the following statements about organizations is not true? Which of the following statements about power is true? (p. 396) A psychological contract refers to the psychological effect after someone signs an employment contract. It helps ensure that all members of a company share values. D. Mental models can blind employees to new opportunities and unique problems. Each of the following statements concerning mitochondria is true, EXCEPT a.The mitochondria require carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in the process of energy production. b. An organizational culture determines the behavioral norms of a particular organization. b. Use this printable worksheet and quiz to review: The term that refers to an organization's unique personality. 19. Employee rewards vary little from person to person and are based on individual performance differences. c) It exists only in the top management of an organization. Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company. B. a strong counterculture. The organizational culture sets the values, objectives, and strategies of the organization. Moreover, the company adopts the dynamic working culture 1.Organizational culture is expressed informally through a firm's mission statement or code of ethics. Eighty percent of all American workers report they feel workplace stress at least some of the time. Answer: True False 42. Which of the following is true about mental models? Rewards and incentives have no impact on company cultures.

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which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?