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treasury direct account strawmantreasury direct account strawman

It is there for the purpose of making book entries, to move figures, "digits" from one side of ledgers to the other. Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences Knarlydawgs 2 cents worth : Investigate, investigate, study, study, investigate, investigate before you jump into this arena. This is an excellent rundown of the background information and great overview of what's going on right now, with people scrambling to "access their value" via Treasury Direct and Federal Reserve accounts. At the time of registration, the Corporation of the United States, through its Treasury Department, creates a bond. Nationality, Birthrights, and Jurisprudence: New Social & Cultural Blueprint for This $1,000,000 account is for the STRAWMAN, the fictional "person" with the name in all caps and/or last name first. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. Securities can be electronically maintained in a book-entry account at commercial banks or other financial institutions, or in TREASURY DIRECT, the Treasurys book-entry system. that. These Treasury Direct Accounts are tied to your social security account- your factualized trust account. What is Treasury Direct Account Strawman. This post Brian Kellys Blog: Proof ALL of Your Debt is PRE-PAID! About Strawman Account Treasury Direct Shares: 291. It seems that people are reporting that the process to pay your bills from your secret Strawman accounts are working. You can access your account at the U.S. Treasury to eliminate debts and get a refund of all of the income taxes you paid for the last three years by filing 1040s, corrected IRS docs that we will submit electronically. They are accessing what are apparently called Treasury Direct Accounts to pay credit cards, mortgages, student loans and so on. 00034567890: compte bancaire (bank account) 11 digits. Treasury Direct Account Strawman Independent sharemarket research and recommendations from Australias best private investors. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. (ww "Digits" move from one side of your Strawman account to the other, or to a different account. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. Nationality, Birthrights, and Jurisprudence: New Social & Cultural Blueprint for The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. These Treasury accounts purportedly contain huge sums of money which the government holds in trust for the actual persons who are the rightful owners. About Strawman Account Treasury Direct They are accessing what are apparently called Treasury Direct Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. 01012: code guichet (office code) 5 digits. This bond is also known by the human's name in capital letters. About Strawman Treasury Account Direct Treasury Direct Accountsfor all U.S. citizens that can be accessed by submitting paperwork with state and federal authorities. Your legal fiction strawman name that is in all capital letters on all government documents proves you are a STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, (unnatural, commerce, corporate, corporation, made up fiction, and legal fiction corporation) name that represents your government trust account or reserve account that has millions of dollars waiting for you to claim, that was assigned to you at These TDA accounts have liquid funds listed under your personal name. By contrast, "reserves" (at least in the United States) consist principally of paper currency and coin on hand, plus the balance in the commercial bank's account with the applicable Federal Reserve bank. Also, the Exemption Account is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. When you were born, your parents volunteered to the government that you were incompetent, and you are not capable of managing your Strawman Account; or your Estate. The strawman, the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 House Joint Resolution marking U.S. residents as collateral for the A Factualized trust self secured created on the day of birth for each Being on the planet Treasury's online platform where you can buy federal government bonds, bills and notes without paying broker commissions or The tradeoff for safety, of course, is low interest rates Recover your password It's called a TDA account, Treasury Direct I suggest that you stay away from undocumented, unproven schemes. If the Strawman-UCC- Treasury Direct Account and etc., really works then there should be thousands and thousands of people who have successfully used this method. Yet these folks are nowhere to be found! I am still researching this but apparently they have converted the Strawman account into something called "Treasury Direct Accounts". how to look up birth certificate on 1. YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond 7/17/2017. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. The truth is, birth certificates cannot be used for purchases, nor can they be used to request savings bonds purportedly held by the government. More on this later. TREASURY PARTNERS 505 Fifth Avenue, 14th Floor New York, NY 10017. UPDATED 8.25.2014 Apparently, the Strawman Accounts are no longer in the possession of our would-be masters, the BIS or Vatican. Ostensibly as a result of the OPPT filings. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. Morgan and Bernard Madoffs Israeli Discount Bank. This is accomplished via your strawman account. You are accessing a U.S. Government information system (which includes computers, computer networks, and all devices and storage media attached to a Treasury network or to a computer on such network) that is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only. Likes: 581. STRAWMAN: A front, a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. Since the Treasury Direct Account (TDA) exists for the STRAWMAN - who, until now, has been controlled by the government - WE can gain control and ownership of the STRAWMAN by first activating the TDA and then filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. So the IBAN from the French TDA-Account at Banque de France in Paris (take always the highest level of bank in a country) from Charlotte is in theory this one: It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. Strawman. Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) -- Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences 7/17/17 3 posters Dinar Daily :: TDA (Treasury Direct Accounts) INFO :: TDA (Treasury Direct Accounts) INFO & Nominal party to a transaction; one who acts as an agent for another for the purposes of taking title to real property and executing whatever documents and instruments the principal may direct. Person who purchases property for another to Justin, from Stillness in the Storm (SITS) lays this out in a comprehensive and very easy to comprehend Download Full PDF Package. Account Number. 71: cl de contrle (control key) 2 digits. Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences. Access Your Account . Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) -- Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences by Justin Deschamps, What if we could pay our debts with money from a government account? Your other account can be tapped through the collection agency called the IRS. Search: Treasury Direct Account Strawman. The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. A Factualized trust self secured created on the day of birth for each Being on the planet Treasury's online platform where you can buy federal government bonds, bills and notes without paying broker commissions or The tradeoff for safety, of course, is low interest rates Recover your password It's called a TDA account, Treasury Direct Redemption process strawman Proponents of this scheme claim that the U.S. government or the Treasury Department control bank accountsoften referred to as U.S. Lets Restore the Human Family About Strawman Treasury Account Direct

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treasury direct account strawman

treasury direct account strawman