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The quickest tutor to. Certified Member. . Snapask is based on a monthly subscription model or a pay-per-use model with quotas on the number of queries. Tutors receive HK$4 (US$0.51) for. View IIMT2601 Group Presentation_F4 (1).pptx from IIMT 2601 at The University of Hong Kong. The case demonstrates the ability of Katherine in leading Snapask's entry into different markets across the Asia-Pacific. - Registration growth MoM more than 50%. Snapask. Study SOS -Study Online Studio- CONTENTS 1 | Introduction 3 | Business Model 5 | Implementation Strategy 2 Even if decisions are not made with a solid ground, put your whole heart in, leave no stones unturned. It now serves over 3 million students worldwide. 3.每位學生都是與別不同的,而且 . To be able to show that you can get a return on the money you are investing . Senior Product Manager at Snapask . Though initially founded in Hong Kong, Snapask quickly took its services to Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. When on-demand education app Snapask emerged on the scene in 2015, it was quickly dubbed the "Uber" for tutoring. Hailed by some as the "Uber for homework," Snapask provides instant on-demand academic support, made possible by a team of verified tutors. A new angle and creative story were the key to catch the reporters eyeballs. Snapask charges users per question asked - starting at HK$10 (US$1.29) for a single question, or HK$300 (US$38.60) for a bundle of 50 questions to be used at will. In mid-May, the number of COVID cases spiked in Taiwan. - Sales growth MoM more than 40%. Snapask. Over 90% of my past experiences were working in the newly-formed business units as a developer or product manager with a mission to build new products and services that can bring additional revenue streams and contribute to the company's growth. The pre-series A startup has raised US$5 million and. Carsome, Southeast Asia's largest integrated car e-commerce platform, recently completed its Series D fundraising. 2.私人補習提供的功課輔導受時間及地點限制. . . Strategy - Creative Campaign HelloToby positioned themselves as the ultimate gateway for all sort of services that you can imagine. Snapask started with our ñQuestion & Answerî (Q&A) platform, which lets students get instant homework help from our tutors. But like the famous ride-hailing platform, it has been . Our three guiding principles are: speed, quality, and accessibility. China Tech - Top Business Models Report Recent Funding Rounds WM Motor (2015, Shanghai) $1.5B - Series D - Sep 2020 ENOVATE (2018, Shanghai) $744M - Series B - Oct 2020 Leap Motor (2015, Hangzhou) $694M - Series C - Aug 2021 Leap Motor (2015, Hangzhou) $664M - Series B - Jan 2021 AIWAYS (2017, Shanghai) $476K - Series D - May 2021 AIWAYS (2017 . Snapask. "Google Search Ranking 2018 (HK - Digital & Gadgets)" in just a year through SEO, Paid Ads & marketing skills. This business model seemed to work and since then, he has refined the approach to what it is today — a virtual tutoring platform. When they get stuck on a . By taking a snapshot of the question at hand, Snapask provides students with one-to-one on-demand academic support. . Dec 2020 - Present1 year 7 months. The US$30 million (RM121 million) round, one of the largest all-equity financings to-date in Southeast Asia's online automotive industry, was led by Asia Partners and was joined by existing Carsome investors Burda Principal . PAOB is a pioneer in leveraging Fintech to provide efficient . The number of questions in each pack varies across countries, and the same can be said for pretty much all three revenue streams. For UK business coach and turnaround specialist Peter Ryding, successful entrepreneurs are predominantly born that way. Snapask works as a mobile crowdsourcing platform that involves artificial intelligence and allows students to connect to tutors and receive instant one-on-one academic support. This mobile app lets students receive instant, online, one-on-one academic support from our team of tutors. Though the current model could never be overturned completely, edutech will play a more prominent role as apps such as Snapask fill the gap in demand for personalised learning. A simple model that just tries to derive a valuation through relative terms will put you above most crypto investors. Be kind with all might. A place to have their questions resolved. Instead, those companies launched on WeChat, attracting users with rich content that integrates with the payment model within WeChat itself. By offering effective learning solutions tailored to children and youths' varied study habits at all stages of education, these apps can improve the knowledge . CoLearn started its offline in business in 2018, before shifting to a hybrid model. Snapask is a Hong Kong-based education technology company that offers tutoring services to students. . Snapask was founded by Timothy Yu in January of 2015. Read more about How this Hong Kong startup is helping students solve homework woes on Business Standard. Retaining quality tutors. Homework becomes business opportunity. Bespoke software development is an approach wherein solutions and custom packages are designed and developed to fit your commercial enterprise needs. Read about the revenue generation methods and business model to use for your Postmates clone app. Inspired by Uber's business model, I founded Snapask to match students with on-demand tutors," he said. . One-stop content and live tutoring support app helping students in Asia . Check Demo!!! In this way, How can I make money online tutoring? It's clear that this lucrative industry is deeply ingrained in Asia's culture - but it's now being disrupted by Snapask. For on-demand content, Snapask uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for storage service along with Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS for a seamless experience for both tutors and students alike. . Essentially, it acts as an instant-tutoring service that helps over 350,000 students in the Hong Kong region. The Snapask game sees players perform tasks that test their knowledge in exchange for nutrients to help grow virtual plants. The public can register for free at https://hktdc.hermeslive . Snapask - Hong Kong's on-demand learning pioneer Snapask is a mobile app that aims to create a new platform through which students could receive more affordable, better quality and more personalised education support. Key accomplishments: ‣ Rocketed the brand name to the top five keywords of. How to Make an App Like Snapask + Create an app like Snapask + Create an alternative app like Snapask. Rise up above your competitors with precise applications made to fit your enterprise model and enhance commercial enterprise productiveness. Rob Price / Business Insider: Hong Kong. At her leisure time, Katherine enjoys writing and has contributed articles to Fortune Insight. ), has left an indelible dent in the world, through incredible innovation that put it in a special group of companies whose brands have become . In her recent book "49+1 . Snapask, an on-demand tutoring app, announced today that it has raised $35 million in Series B funding.Earmarked for the startup's expansion in Southeast Asia, the round was led by Asia Partners and Intervest. - To provide an opportunity for students to explore and discuss consumer behaviour to understand how a successful business model that works in one country can be . Sign up on websites […] From a business standpoint, companies need to re-examine their strategies to accommodate the shifts in consumer behaviors. Snapask has garnered strong support from high school student, and is now serving over 2,000,000 students across Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Snapask, an on-demand tutoring app, announced today that it has raised $35 million in Series B funding.Earmarked for the startup's expansion in Southeast Asia, the round was led by Asia Partners and Intervest. company, in the Spring of 2018; and a post-operative analysis of its business model and. OCBC Booster: 3.25% per annum. Snapask自始重塑其定位,我們需要聚焦核心議題提供解決辦法:. The Romanian High IQ Society was founded in 2017 by Ionut Rites, whose aims were to bring together very bright minds and establish a meeting platform to encourage intellectual enrichment. This form of a savings account slowly builds up on your existing deposit amount - to give you anywhere from 3% to 5% in interest each year. Source: Snapask website Financials Revenue model Snapask has three revenue streams, gleaned from research of some of its earliest markets. Founded in 2015, Snapask has raised $21.8 million in funding to develop an app to connect students with university tutors for one-on-one coaching sessions.Students snap a picture of the problem in question, write a few words about where they need the help, and the platform's algorithm connects them to the most appropriate tutor (typically a university student) in a few seconds. Snapask Service Snapask Service provides an online academic tutoring platform accessible through the Mobile Application and the Website, on which Student User is permitted to post questions in relation to his academic studies at any time, and Tutor may at his discretion provide answers and/or solutions to any questions posted. Open Links In New Tab. Peng is an industry veteran with over 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, founder, and investor in Silicon Valley and in Asia. Successfully start, grow, innovate, and lead your business today: Ideas, resources, advice, support, tools, strategies, real stories, and real business examples . Snapask, an on-demand tutoring app, announced today that it has raised $35 million in Series B funding.Earmarked for the startup's expansion in Southeast Asia, the round was led by Asia Partners . The society is open to those who have a verified IQ at or above the 95th percentile of the world's population. Students can now snap a picture of the question at hand and receive assistance from locally-sourced tutors within 10 seconds. Today, Snapask connects students with questions and answers from qualified local tutors, for their homework, studies and exam prep. The reason for this ratio is that Snapask wants to maintain the quality of education it provides. Pitching the story to reporters became more difficult for us as the business model of HelloToby had already been disclosed by media. Check Demo!!! This app is said to address the questions and problems asked by its users within 15 seconds. The business model is based on a monthly subscription where students can ask either 30 or 50 questions by purchasing credits. Timothy Yu is the co-founder and CEO of Snapask, a Hong Kong-based edtech company that offers online tutorial services. Prior to Monk's Hill Ventures, he was a Venture Partner at GSR Ventures in China. Some achievements I have achieved: - Drive CPI under 0.2 $. 1.大班教學=缺乏個別照顧. Are you in the education industry and want to develop an on-demand tutoring app? Futurist addresses post-COVID-19 issues at E-Day online platform . However, it takes a truly successful startup business model to take off and make an impact. Katherine Cheung, Chief Marketing Officer at Snapask, believes the service helps develop a self-study habit among students The system was launched in 2015, after company founder and CEO Timothy Yu, a tutor at that time, found that students still had many homework questions after attending his cram school. CoLearn has since been downloaded more than 3.5 million times and has about one million active users, mostly students in grades 7 to 12. With Snapask, students connect with tutors to receive on-demand, academic support. It pairs students with tutors for question and answer sessions. Be our Subscriber . Typically, we launch Snapask to a new country within a 9-12 months time frame, which consist of 3 months research & preparation stage, and 6-9 months of brand development and awareness build-up, until we can validate the localised business model with the right product-market fit. "We knew we needed, a smart, scalable solution, and with AWS, we . Snapask Inc, a Hong Kong-based operator of online learning website and mobile app that offers tutoring services to students across the region, is one beneficiary of the rare opportunities brought . "I guess people relate us because we provide the same kind of convenience for users," founder and CEO Timothy Yu said of the characterization.. Business opportunities are also arising for start-ups in fields such as fintech, smart city and education technology. The founding team of 1st digital telecom brand-Birdie ( A subsidiary of SmarTone Holdings Limited ). Yu, "Visual Language Model for Face . Indonesian startup CoLearn started as a chain of physical tutoring centers and was in the process of shifting to a hybrid offline-online model when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Bespoke Enterprise Development. Be our Subscriber . HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 15 July 2020 - In light of the COVID-19 situation, this year's HKTDC Entrepreneur Day (E-Day) has undergone a transformation in terms of format and content, with a series of seminars being broadcast live on 16 and 17 July. Sign up on websites […] Mr Ryding says such people have two core genetic characteristics, which he terms "adaptive thinking" and "seeing reality with a . Bringing the Uber Model to Online Tutoring. Screenshot from - Drive CPA under 0.3 $. Snapask takes key components of social media services and brings them into the world of academic tutoring, reports Tech in Asia . The Hong Kong company was then just a young start-up, serving 100,000 students. Pay a monthly fee of HK$98, HK$368 or HK$ 588 to get your 10, 40 or an infinite number of questions answered. Snapask, an on-demand tutoring app, announced today that it has raised $35 million in Series B funding.Earmarked for the startup's expansion in Southeast Asia, the round was led by Asia Partners . 雖然網上短片能解決學生在學習時面對的時地限制,但他們仍然缺乏個人化的學習支援。. The company announced today it has raised $10 million in Series A funding co-led by . Katherine Cheung, Chief Marketing Officer of on-demand online tutoring platform Snapask, will share on how recent social distancing measures have unleashed opportunities for the Hong Kong-based start-up in both local and . Manage all marketing channels included online and offline. But if I've learnt one thing from my last years is this: Be yourself and be courageous. This app is said to address the questions and problems asked by its users within 15 seconds. We are leading the way in digital and integrated communications across consumer, healthcare and technology sectors, while we continue delivering unparalleled service in public affairs, corporate reputation, and crisis management, benefiting from our heritage in these areas. For many companies, this means that they need to create new and engaging content for their users, keeping in mind the new and fast-shifting regulations. While some product improvements will increase benefits and secure existing customers, other product decisions will introduce new values and seduce new . Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments . At Snapask, Katherine owns the P&L, covering all the performance marketing for more than 8 regions across Asia. Each NFT is a rare species, from Pachypodium (a spiny succulent) to agave and six of the 10 — with cosmic names like Infinity , Gravity and Time — sold during launch month. At maximum capacity, each tutor can serve up to 100 students. Here's a detailed analysis of top Business Models in Get these reports of any geography delivered to your mailbox for free! "I would say the simple answer is 70% born, 10% nurture, and 20% trainable," he says. He is based in Indonesia and is a board member of Glints, ELSA, Finaxar, and Intelligent Video Solutions. It was worth the time and resources because the transformative expansion established Snapask as an education total solution provider and ultimately forged a new subscription business model. Mobile Archives Site News. Snapask - Tutoring at your fingertips Uber, despite the toxic culture it purported to have extolled, and bad behavior that for a long time went unchecked (e.g. executive decision-making, as well as discussion about the future of . Launched in Hong Kong five years ago, Snapask has now raised a total of $50 million and operates in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and South Korea.

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