Find out more about BT products now. A friend wanted you to see this item from He worked for the Port Authority of New York for 23 years. Test Problem (English) by Ramm, Alan J. The choice of used books is massive - from classic novels to children's books, and so much more. Holme on Spalding Moor was a 'testing' airfield for Blackburn Aircraft and its successor British Aerospace until 1983, when the facility became surplus to requirements and the airfield closed. ERVAS Services Update. October 12, 2021 Aviation 52-5764, Aircraft Accident, Albert Scott Crossfield, c/n 192-9, Chief Engineering Test Pilot, Edwards Air Force Base, F-100A-1-NA, Fighter, Flight Test, George Lewis Schwartz, George S. Welch, Inertial Roll Coupling, NACA High-Speed Flight Station, North American Aviation F-100A Super Sabre. provides free Company Check. The sitting President asks VP Mackenzie Allen for her resignation. La tte de Martin: Comdie en un acte (French) by Barrire, Thodore. Bill Pegg, took The Blackburn Buccaneer is a British carrier-capable attack aircraft designed in the 1950s for the Royal Navy (RN). Search 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000+. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The rudder controls stiffened in flight, resulting in a loss of control and a steep dive. RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor, or more simply RAF Holme is a former Royal Air Force station located in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.. &c.its harbourriver Ouse and its He wrote about Greyfriars as Frank Richards; St Jims as Martin Clifford and Rookwood as Owen Conquest. Displaying Photos 1 - 60 of 76 in total. Ann Barker lawfull Daughter of Valentine Barker and his wife Ann of Holme was born on the 20th day of July in ye year 1746 and baptizd the day following i.e., on ye 21st of the same Month. Used Books. Events & Training. Regardless of popular fandom theory, Mitchell at no time is referred to as Kirk's executive officer, whereas Spock is shown to act in that role throughout the episode. 1 2 Next Sort & display options Search within these images for: Apply Clear Filter Springfield Estate c1955 Ref. Get the latest news in the Holme upon Spalding Moor area from BBC News. CHAP. Within the hour we had over 1,500 signatures, by the next morning, there were over 8,000. Test Rocket! No record of crew casualties - Pilot recorded as P/O G.H. The hill or mount on which stands the ancient church, is a very fine object, particularly on the high road to York from Market Weighton." It is situated approximately 8 miles (13 km) north east of Howden and 5 miles (8 km) south west of Market Weighton. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. 4 No Business Adverts/Offers/Promotions. the chief test pilot. " the former chief test pilot, whom he eventually succeeded. As of December 12, 2020 this list contains over 460 pilot's names. "I attacked him from dead attem" Three days later another 616 Sqn pilot was in combat with an enemy aircraft over the region. The companys chief test pilot (Derek Whitehead)and myself spent 3 months at St Louis and Edwards on engine evaluation and systems tests.The first F4K was delivered to Royal Navy Air station where Derek and I picked it up and ferried to our test airfield at Holme-Upon-Spalding-Moor (great name) in East Yorkshire. Muenks is pictured in front of his UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter on Taji, Airfield in Taji, Iraq, in 2004. Download Blackburn/BAE Buccanneer Owners' Workshop Manual Spalding, A. G. and Bros. Stadelman, P. J. Each month, select sellers offer their items for sale on AbeBooks at huge discounts, making it easy to buy books, art and collectibles online. As chief test pilot, Mr. Fisher tested more than 4,000 military aircraft and helped develop the reversible propeller for use as a brake. We monitor, inspect and regulate services. The biggest responsibility of a helicopter pilot was to fly that helicopter in such a manner as to provide support for the men on the ground. U.S. Air Force Academy. We shared the aerodrome with 78 Squadron flying Handley Page Halifax I with Merlin engines. Don't forget we also have maps for Holme-on-Spalding-Moor and Yorkshire too! 12 October 1954. . At the time of writing this on Friday 29th October, the open letter has been signed by nearly 20,000 people, nearly 12,000 of which have been verified via e-mail (this number would be higher however our letters popularity resulted in the website encountering server issues and Thank you 5 No buying/selling or stuff for free posts. Get 20% off Paired Premium. The aircraft broke up in the dive and the aircraft crashed at 1615. T&Cs apply 25k to be won! Marine Maj. William Rothermel, U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School student, receives training from Spike Minczoeski, Te Ton Aviation L-39 Russian trainer pilot. 00Oct1 Allocated to RAAF No.458 (Australian) Sqn at RAF Station Holme-on-Spalding Moor, East Yorkshire. Date. WD Gardner, e-mail, 20.02.2015 15:39 This is not a buying/selling or stuff for free site. II. 20Oct41 SGT P.J Hamilton and crew departed RAF Holme at 1839hrs with two other Wellingtons to attack the docks in Charles Harold St. John Hamilton is generally acknowledged to be the most prolific writer ever in the English language having written an estimated 100 million words in his lifetime, most of which were school stories. Here I rented a small cottage sandwiched between the Post Office and the Pub. Service Area. HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The 49th Wing welcomed its new command chief, June 22. The prototype, G-AGPW, did not make its maiden flight until September 4, 1949, when the companys chief test pilot, A.J. Sadly on the 28th July 2004 Wing Commander G W (RCAF) Group upon the latter's formation on 1st January 1943. James Ernest Pelly-Fry, DSO (22 November 1911 6 December 1994) was an officer in the Royal Air Force. Our next stop was RAF base Holme Upon Spalding Moor, the home of 76 Sqn., Pauls old squadron where he was reunited with an old flying buddy. H270052 Selby Road c1960 Ref. Richard Till, Swan-Passage, London-Bridge, candidate for the office of clerk. PART I.INTRODUCTION. More names are still being uncovered. unfortunately development was marred by a number of incidents, most serious of which were the loss of three aircraft - starting with xk490, the 5th na.39, which crashed in october 1959 when a us test pilot attempted to fly the aircraft in a configuration as yet untested and for which he had not been cleared - it stalled at 10,000 ft and with "HOLME ON SPALDING MOOR, a parish in the E.R. Mandalay, de jongste hoofdstad van Birma De Aarde en haar Volken, 1904 (Dutch) by Anonymous. Holme on Spalding Moor Bubwith Selby Goole Pocklington Kingston upon Hull Barton upon Humber Humber Bridge York Burton Agnes Beeford Leven Leconfield Beverley Walkington A166 MAN M2000L 12.220 Minimum Test Vehicle (MTV) Mercedes AXOR 2543, MAN 18360 TGS 14 MAN HX60 4x4 Cargo (Light) Medium Mobility, 6 Tonne After our time in the Canadian Hangar, I met with two former gunners who proudly displayed their collection of refurbished gun turrets, and told interesting, first person stories. We have a number of virtual events and webinars taking place (you can click the date or time to book a place): Keeping Young People Safe Online Monday 22 March 7 pm. Herbert O. Fisher was a test pilot for the Curtiss-Wright Corporation in engineering, flight testing, public relations and sales. Test Pilot (English) by Collins, James. H270037 A pilot who has made 50 successful emergency landings and handled dozens of in-flight emergencies has some advice. Wed, 09 Mar 2022. page 21 HalF priCe travel time to get on board! July 20, 2011. For services to the 100,000 Genomes Project. Sky News delivers breaking news, headlines and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide. 00Aug41 Allocated to RAAF No.458Sqn at RAF Station Holme-on-Spalding Moor, East Yorkshire 02Sep41 Received by 458Sqn, taken on charge and Coded FU-D 20Oct41 Air test carried out at 11045hrs by SGT P.J Hamilton and crew. My dad (RAF officer) knew Derek Whitehead, then then chief test pilot for Blackburn / HS / became BAe who offered me a seat from Brough on a day trip, can't remember now where we went, but know Woodford was the last but one stop, before said pilot thought he'd have some fun with the cocky young pup down the back. Created in February 2013, the aim is to promote businesses, clubs, events, fundraising, groups, news, organisations, societies and studios in and around Holme on Spalding Moor, YORK, East Yorkshire, UK. Englewood Fire Chief Scott Lane proposed a $1.2 million budget for staffing the island with six firefighters, two for each shift, and for addi-tional capital improve-ments remodeling the island station and replacing a fire vehicle. 13.05.1935 enlisted, RAFVR (Section II Class F Reserve as untrained pilot) [gained his wings 16.05.1936; flying licence #15073 01.07.1937 at Northern School of Aviation Ltd.] Background music to this page can be controlled here. Shop books. Maj. Gen. Howard N. Thompson is Chief of Staff, U.S. Northern Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. General Thompson was commissioned in 1976 following graduation from the. We've teamed up with Paired, the #1 app for couples download it today for fun conversation starters and couple quizzes designed to keep your relationship happy and healthy! of Yorkshire, (given as "Holm") in Spalding-Moor 2 m. S. W. from Wighton, is the seat of Ld. Subsequently a one-hour pilot called Tom and JoAnn was aired (with 1964-1979 23 Elizabeth Ashley and Joel Fabiani) to test the waters for a prospective series. PAUL WARREN WILSON Heading up Plane Sailings Catalina operation has given this ex-RAF Harrier pilot some tremendous experiences 81 DATABASE: ROLLSROYCE MERLIN 17 In a new departure DATABASE for Database, Jakob ROLLS-ROYCE MERLIN T Whiteld examines the IN-DEPTH development PAGES and service of the most famous British aero engine of all time This had been the first air battle to take place over East Yorkshire in World War IIi. Helicopter crew chiefs, UH-1; are flight crewmembers who maintain and oversee operations aboard Marine UH-1 "Huey" helicopters. It lies on the Smith. Manco, the Peruvian Chief Or, An Englishman's Adventures in the Country of the Incas (English) by Cooper, Alfred W. Manco, the Peruvian Chief Or, An Englishman's Adventures in the Country of the Incas (English) by Kingston, William Henry Giles. English: Holme-on-Spalding-Moor is a small village and civil parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. Holme on Spalding Moor Bubwith Selby Goole Pocklington Kingston upon Hull Barton upon Humber Humber Bridge York Burton Agnes Beeford Leven Leconfield Beverley Walkington A166 MAN M2000L 12.220 Minimum Test Vehicle (MTV) Mercedes AXOR 2543, MAN 18360 TGS 14 MAN HX60 4x4 Cargo (Light) Medium Mobility, 6 Tonne CNAC Pilots and Co-Pilots. Stanford Achievement Tests 1931-1935. Date. . Over Spalding Moor to Holme Market Weighton December 1929 - 'Lieutenant General Sir Cameron Shute, G.O.C. Constructed at Blackburns Brough facility, each completed Buccaneer was transported by road, on its own undercarriage, to the companys Holme-on-Spalding Moor airfield for flight testing, a towed journey on normal roads of around 16 miles. in his exile, and the first person he advanced to the peerage. Come along on a voyage of discovery and nostalgia. Check Pages 51-100 of Blackburn/BAE Buccanneer Owners' Workshop Manual in the flip PDF version. Courtesy of Pat Muenks. 3rd March: Spitfire V: EE617: No.443 Sqn: Digby The Test of Scarlet: A Romance of Reality (English) by Dawson, Coningsby. IN the preparation of this edition, such changes in the text and notes of the first edition have been made as have been required by the many important decisions upon constitutional questions rendered within the last ten years. 07/07/1942 reported for screened pilot duties (no initials in 22 OTU ORB); Sgt W A Walkinshaw R60850 pilot is listed as posted to 22 OTU (RCAF form G.II 23/10/1942); 02/03/1943 posted to 420 Sqn (P/O Walkinshaw, pilot); 08-09/04/1942 killed flying Wellington MS479 of 420 Sqn on ops, Duisberg (P/O W A Walkinshaw RCAF). MAN M2000L 12.220 Minimum Test Vehicle (MTV) Mercedes AXOR 2543, MAN 18360 TGS 14 MAN HX60 4x4 Cargo (Light) Medium Mobility, 6 Tonne SV 6T Crane Lorry Mounted (CALM) 14 MAN HX58 6x6, Cargo (Medium), Medium Mobility, 9 Tonne 14 MAN HX77 8x8, Cargo (Heavy) Medium Mobility, 15 Tonne 16 RTCH Rough Terrain Container Handler 16 OSHKOSH The agency shall also provide the URL to which the inventory will be posted upon notice of public availability in the Federal Register. Booking online or on your mobile is quick and easy at Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council. He flew Halifaxes operationally with 76 Squadron from RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor in Yrokshire. 76th Squadron, Halifax BIII MZ679, Date of crash 29th June 1944, France. In June 1943, a reorganisation of group boundaries within Bomber Command saw the station transferred from 1 Group to 4 Group. This change in command resulted in a change of squadrons, with 101 Squadron being replaced by the Halifax equipped 76 Squadron RAF. 76 Squadron remained at Holme until after the end of the war in Europe. Fri, 11 Mar 2022. He was also the youngest and only survivor of three brothers. His many appointments gave Ryan Thomas Riddle, Sep 5, 2015. Dennis will tonight deliver an evening of recollections from his time spent at the British Aerospace test facility at Holme on Spalding Moor. Seller Sales. 26Oct41 Taken on charge with 458Sqn. Your #1 source of information about UK companies. Designed and initially produced by Blackburn Aircraft at Brough, it was later officially known as the Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer when Blackburn became a part of the Hawker Siddeley Group, but this name is rarely used. What should you do in an emergency? The site was built during the Second World War, it was used during the war by the Royal Air Force (RAF) as a bomber station, and after the war as a transport airfield and bomb store before being "mothballed". The majority of the parish was, before the mid 1700s, a moorland, a bog in many places, that only the brave or knowledgeable could safely cross. Ian William Merry was born at Ilkeston in 1926, the younger son of Scots parents, and he died at St Affrique, France, on 18 April 2007, just short of his 81st birthday. Holme on Spalding Moor May 10, 2022; RAF Lyneham (EGDL) May 5, 2022; EGNT Newcastle (Woolsington) May 5, 2022; HATFIELD Control Tower May 5, 2022; HMS Falcon, NAS/RAF Hal Far Malta May 5, 2022; EGGD Bristol Lulsgate Tower May 5, 2022; EGHH Bournemouth (Hurn) May 2, 2022; Culdrose NAS (HMS Seahawk) May 2, 2022; RNAS 17 May 2016. page 19 extra police patrols after city sex attacks A woman was attacked near to Drypool Bridge in the early hours of Sunday, September 19 TWO WOMEN RAPED JUST DAYS APART AS OFFICERS Shot down by a night-fighter crashing at Lesges (Aisne) 5 km SSW of Braine. Abdelazer, Or The Moor's Revenge Emperor Of The Moon Oroonoko Or, The Royal Slave Sir Patient Fancy The Adventure Of The Black Lady A Novel The Amorous Prince, Or, The Curious Husband The City Heiress The Debauchee: Or, The Credulous Cuckold, A Comedy The Dutch Lover The False Count, Or, A New Way To Play An Old Game and their native country". 9780879030896 0879030895 Civility and Politics in the Origins of the Argentine Nation - Sociabilities in Buenos Aires, 1829-1862, Pilar Gonzalez-Bernaldo 9781904637448 1904637442 Amazing Journey Colouring Book 9781436801164 1436801168 Causes And Pretexts Of The World War - A Searching Examination Into The Play And Counterplay Of European Politics and is their appointed rest. The U.S. Army is investigating allegations by a military researcher that the late Command Sgt. Operating from Royal Navy aircraft carriers to deliver nuclear weapons and conventional ordnance, the Navy transferred its Buccaneers to the RAF in 1969 where they were used in the Mr. Thompson became ill and died Friday of unknown causes, said Don Nolan, a spokesman for the space agency's Dryden Flight Research Facility at Edwards Air Force Base. Besides the pilot, the person with the most important job on a Marine helicopter is the crew chief. A Day in The Navy with CDR McFarland, Chief Test Pilot, VX-31. H270013 Holme Hall, the Lounge c1965 Ref. During the deployment, the pilot was briefly attached to 2nd Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment. Lt Helmut Furcht (pilot), Hptm Heinz Schroder, Ofw Martin Hartel and FlO Eugen Seitz were all killed in the crash. Full text of "A treatise upon some of the general principles of the law : whether of a legal, or of an equitable nature : including their relations and application to actions and defenses in general : whether in courts of common law, or courts of equity : and equally adapted to courts governed by codes" See other formats "We'll Meet Again" sung by Vera Lynn. Situation of the townits distance from the sea. 15 fatal incidents found. "HOLME ON SPALDING MOOR, a parish in the wapentake of Harthill; 5 miles SW. of Market Weighton, and well known by the name of Hemp Holme, from the quantity of Hemp formerly cultivated here. Keeping Young People Safe Online Thursday 25 March 7 pm. Emmy Award nominations went to director Delbert Mann and to Loring Mandel for his teleplay. This worksheet is provided for you to enter the name and contact information for the agency's chief inventory contact (required), Federal Register contact (required), and technical contact. 64 Major DiLalio had learned to fly them in 1946 at the Navy's Helicopter Develop-ment Squadron Three (VX3) at Floyd Bennet Field , in New York. Conditions were foggy which helped the reality of the situation and it was instructive and enjoyable. The companys chief test pilot (Derek Whitehead)and myself spent 3 months at St Louis and Edwards on engine evaluation and systems tests.The first F4K was delivered to Royal Navy Air station where Derek and I picked it up and ferried to our test airfield at Holme-Upon-Spalding-Moor (great name) in East Yorkshire. . Members of this class shot down 130 enemy aircraft, and nine became aces. We can provide cheap train tickets for any train journey, on any train, in Great Britain, with big savings with Advance tickets and no booking fee! P/O H R W Whittle 76 Squadron (d.26th November 1943) Pilot Officer W. J. Morgan was the flight engineer in LK687 Halifax V, from 76 squadron based at Holme on Spaulding Moor. Enlisted Pilots: 1912-1945. Test Flying Memorial. Date. We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve. SECT. 10,000 Famous Freemasons 10,000 Famous Freemasons 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die 100 Glamorgan Greats 100 Greats: Gloucestershire County Cricket Club 100 Greats: Northamptonshire County Cricket Club 100 Greats: Somerset County Cricket Club 100 Greats: Sussex County Cricket Club 100 Greats: Warwickshire County Cricket Club 100 Greats: Director Delbert Mann. "Watch your hands," says Skip Holm, five-time Reno Air Races Unlimited winner, Stealth F-117A test pilot, and much-decorated U.S. Air Force combat pilot. For serv the aviation ind. Coded MP-B, airborne from Holme-on-Spalding Moor with a full bombload. I. H270064 Holme Hall c1965 Ref. Several names are incomplete or misspelled. Hence, Spock is the first officer in the second pilot. Secretary of State Staff Advisory Council Staff Non-Academic Standard School Broadcast 1941. Blackburn/BAE Buccanneer Owners' Workshop Manual was published by Graham Cook on 2018-05-25. Giving used books new life is what we do best. reply Chief Scientist Genomics England and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Queen Mary University of London. Find more similar flip PDFs like Blackburn/BAE Buccanneer Owners' Workshop Manual. Lane hasn't finalized what the assessments will be, but preliminary figures suggested the islanders might pay 11ls f * Jaram her Uncle and Aunt of Holme. Service Area. From Superfast Fibre broadband to TV & Mobile, BT helps UK families, communities & companies reach their potential. There was also a two-week detachment to Holme-on-Spalding Moor in Yorkshire for a Beam Approach course. Whether you are a researcher, historian or you simply want to know more about Britain's history, take this fantastic opportunity to search The British Newspaper Archive - a vast treasure trove of historical newspapers from your own home. 13Dec41 Aircraft was landing at Holme on Spalding Moor airfield following an air test when the starboard wing clipped a small van on the edge of the runway, damaging the pitot head. East Riding selected for pilot to shape design of neighbourhoods. "It is not the policy of the War Department to train enlisted men in flying aeroplanes " This was the rebuke to Lt. Frank P. Lahm's message announcing that one of the two new aviators he had trained was a corporal. His assignments include flying duties as a T-38 instructor pilot as well as F-15 and F-16 instructor pilot and flight examiner. Bryan Swopes. Since 1944, TPS has been the training ground for future test pilots, test engineers, flight test navigators and weapons systems operators. Production Company Time-Life Television. Page. Please use the sister Business Link page, solely dedicated to supporting Local Businesses. The parish of Holme-on-Spalding Moor is the largest historic parish in the county of East Riding, covering 11,514 acres, with a history that goes back as far as the iron age. In all, former sergeant pilots destroyed 249.5 enemy aircraft and 18 became aces flying fighters. Chief Flying Instructor, Melling Aviation Ltd., West Malling, Kent. He made a turn to the right to follow a break in the cloud and was struck by C-47 43-15097 flown by 1st Lt George B Hartzell who had misjudged his speed and entry into the turn. Lt Hartzell's aircraft wing struck Lt Gall's aircraft behing the astrodome on top of the fuselage. 289726: The New British channel pilot (1799) 290070: An excellent ballad of George Barnwel (1750) 290701: Canterbury tales (1720) 290927: Oxford jests (1720) 290969: List of the commissioners of land-tax for the city of London and liberties thereof, 1795. Also based at Holme during 19431944 was No. 1520 (Beam Approach Training) Flight RAF of 23 (Training) Group, RAF Flying Training Command flying Airspeed Oxford aircraft. After the departure of 512 Squadron, the base was reduced to "care and maintenance" status with just a small number of men to look after it. From Zoom to Room: Youth Sector Workshop Wednesday 24 March 6 pm. We cross more of the country than any other train company. State Board of Higher Education Cross File Indexes 12/1/32-11/22/38, Chief Master Sgt. This list has been compiled mainly from the records of books received at the Library of the Woman's Building during the World's Fair. Legal and Democratic Services. Langdale, to whom it gives title of Baron, as it did to his ancestor, Sir Marmaduke, who was created a Baron by K. Cha. We have 12.000.000 companies ready for free company check. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. 1. La tte de Martin: Comdie en un acte (French) by Decourcelle, Adrien Site of Lynnaccount of its harbour, and that of Wisbeachancient and present state of its riversinland navigationdrainageprojects of improvementstate of its shipping, commerce, and population, at different periods.. Notice of adoption of the Flood Risk Sequential and Exception Test Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Date. September 5, 2005 By Phil Scott. The wedding over, with a honeymoon in Scarborough where my husbands Battery were stationed and a great party in the Mess, then back to work and another move to Foggathorpe, between Selby and Holme-on-Spalding moor. A trail around Britain's historical airfields many lost to developers or mother nature herself. Barrington Bartlett, the 49th Wing command chief, has taken his position as the principal senior enlisted advisor to the wing commander on all issues regarding the welfare, readiness, morale, and proper utilization and progress of the enlisted force. RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor, or more simply RAF Holme as it was also known, was an airfield in Yorkshire. Built during the Second World War, it was used during the war by the Royal Air Force (RAF) as a bomber station, and after the war as a transport airfield and bomb store before being "mothballed". These aircraft will be met later. We will be very flattered if you See More Holme on Spalding Moor Information Page Community Send Message 66 Like Comment Share Starr, C. L. President, State Board of Higher Education 1932-1933. blue sky belongs to them. Please use the Sale sites, many thanks. #1. Description: Designed as a carrier-borne strike aircraft for the Royal Navy, the Blackburn/BAe Buccaneer eventually went on to serve with the RAF and the South African Air Force. CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. Search for used books. Took off 21:59 28 th June 1944 from Holme-on-Spalding Moor to attack rail facilities. The plane was shot down on a raid to Stuttgart at 17.01hrs on 26th November 1943 and Mrs Mary Brigid Everett, For serv the commty in Ushaw Moor, Glyn Spalding, QPM, Iain Young, Chief Test Pilot, Marshall Aerospace. 40% off the mail direct to your door P22 Thursday, September 30, 2021 90p play now! She had for Godfather Jourdan Bursby and for Godmother Eliz. William J. Sloan was the leading ace of the 12th Air Force with 12 victories. He was 67. I need your help to make it complete and correct. His war career alternated between flying in operational squadrons and serving as an aide for senior commanders. in Chief the Northern Command, has issued a general order, in which he says he is gratified at receiving the following message from Air Marshal Higgins with regard to launching R100.
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