My home is on the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca under Mount Neion's wind-blown robe of leaves, in sight of other islands—Dulichium, Same, wooded Zacynthus-Ithaca being most lofty in that coastal sea, and northwest, while the rest lie east and south. Most of the Odyssey is spent describing events which could not possibly have happened in our non-mythic consciousness understanding of the world. Conclusion (Teacher) [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page The Odyssey was written around 630 BC. He took command and lived at the Eamaican pork hut in the city of Ithaca where he met his father Odysseus in disguise as an old man. Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Rina is: disorganized. d. fears for the safety of his home. As a first-person narrative based on his own experience, this is a tale that could be told, in this form at least, by no one else.6 It is narrated, ostensibly for the first time, before an audience of Phaeacians who, in spite of a general familiarity with the story of the Trojan war, have no Odysseus's men "bent steady to the oars" (Homer 79). If a+b . He held the last note until he was out of breath, and as he exhaled, he heard his mother say from downstairs, "That one sounded good!"Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that . impatient. A process essay is almost always an informational essay. Most students can not fathom this time period, and many more have no interest in anything that deals with a time that occurred so long ago. Trey repeated the scales. Read More C Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey by Homer. A rocky isle, but good for a boy's training; I shall not see on earth a place more dear, though I have been detained long by Calypso Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus As the bell rang, Rina's fruitless search continued.Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Rina is: disorganized: Based on the excerpt, readers can conclude that Odysseus's men: respect their leader. Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus misses his native land. it is no hard thing for the gods of heaven to glorify a man or bring him low. Answers: 1. Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Trey is determined. Odysseus lives by the heroic code of kleos, or fame, which values reputation above everything else. a rocky isle, but good for a boy's training; i shall not see on earth a place more dear, though i have been detained long by calypso based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that odysseus a. wants to rule his native land. After countless repetitions, his room boomed with the tuba's brassy blare. He led the raid once inside the walls of Troy and is also credited with the idea of the Trojan Horse. Answers: 1. fears for the safety of his ho. D Answer: Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Trey is. as for my change of skin, that is a charm athena, hope of soldiers, uses as she will; she has the knack to make me seem a beggar man sometimes and sometimes young, with finer clothes about me. (Think about what the reader can learn about Odysseus from this detail.) C.) misses his native land. 12 English 9B credit 3 (2018) Use text evidence from the lines above to describe the conflicts or problems faced by Odysseus' family. [] Even within the poetic framework of the epic, the story Odysseus tells to Eumaios is not "true." However, as can be the case in epic and oral tradition, [] there is a measure of historical truth transmitted within the received fiction - or, in . Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude the Odysseus - 8799102 Gertrudis Gertrudis 02/18/2018 History High School answered Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude the Odysseus 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement xxaurorabluexx xxaurorabluexx Misses his native land. After countless repetitions, his room boomed with the tuba's brassy blare. Using the facts provided and the inferences you can make based on the information, you can draw a conclusion or make a generalization. d) it was a dividing line between the united states and native american territories. English, 21.06.2019 15:40. After countless repetitions, his room boomed with the tuba's brassy blare. it is no hard thing for the gods of heaven to glorify a man or bring him low. They scrambled to their places by the rowlocks and all in line dipped oars in the gray sea. His manipulation of the keys was becoming less of a struggle, and the tuba was making sounds that were almost musical. But I do not know what the evidence was so I searched some of it up. is eager to leave his home. The "Cretan Lie" of Odyssey xiv 199-359 is, to use Gregory Nagy's artful description, a "masterpiece of mythmaking" (2013:10§45). b) it was an important source of power due to a change in elevation. "I made straight for the ship, roused up the men to get aboard and cast off at the stern. The Cyclops insists that they "care not a whistle for your thundering Zeus" (Homer 186). There is barely enough to conclude that a real people were described. Rina's fruitless search continued.Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Rina is: disorganized. Hospitality. impatient. He held the last note until he was out of breath, and as he exhaled, he heard his mother say from downstairs, "That one sounded good!"Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that . The major themes in The Odyssey are especially significant because they serve to form the moral and ethical constitution of most of the characters. Answers: 1. Which excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey best support the conclusion that Odysseus is clever? He held the last note until he was out of breath, and as he exhaled, he heard his mother say from downstairs, "That one sounded good!"Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that . His manipulation of the keys was becoming less of a struggle, and the tuba was making sounds that were almost musical. This scene is based on Book XI of the Odyssey. On his way . The capped man on the left is Odysseus' companion Eurylochus. My home is on the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca under Mount Neion's wind-blown robe of leaves, in sight of other islands—Dulichium, Same, wooded Zacynthus-Ithaca being most lofty in that coastal sea, and northwest, while the rest lie east and south. Answers Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Rina is. Essay On Evidence Based Practice. " and, "do i dare? is eager to leave his home. Odysseus is an archetypal hero because he receives super-natural help from the gods. answered. New questions in English. misses his native land. Outvo.oszbk Go odie Only. According to the excerpt, Odysseus believes his men were Careless Which in-text citation is formatted correctly in MLA style? Odysseus is a combination of the self-made, self-assured man and the embodiment of the standards and mores of his culture. The Odyssey of Homer is a Greek epic poem that tells of the return journey of Odysseus to the island of Ithaca from the war at Troy, which Homer addressed in The Iliad. Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. The low notes still gave him pause, though, so he attempted them again. Read More C Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey by Homer. A.) D.) fears for the safety of his home. The Odyssey is a little more up in the air. More importantly, by taking advantage of his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation. time to turn back and descend the stair,with a bald spot in the middle of my hair - (they will say: "how his hair is . The Odyssey. as for my change of skin, that is a charm athena, hope of soldiers, uses as she will; she has the knack to make me seem a beggar man sometimes and sometimes young, with finer clothes about me. English, 21.06.2019 15:40. The materials reviewed use an aggregate score for a unit based on text complexity. Conclusions are determinations made based on facts and evidence presented. You should have a minimum of 7 (seven) sentences in your summary. The women in Odyssey are unique in their personality, intentions, and relationship towards men. I made straight for the ship, roused up the mento get aboard and cast off at the stern.They scrambled to their places by the rowlocksand all in line dipped oars in the gray sea. [ Based on the excerpt, readers can conclude that Odysseus s men respect their leader. The low notes still gave him pause, though, so he attempted them again. A descriptive essay can be written with an eventual purpose or it can be written just to provide information. Read the excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey by Homer. Answer. is eager to leave his home. However, we can plausibly map where an Odysseus might have gone. talented. Find an answer to your question Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus greenirell144 greenirell144 . APTA (2016) defines evidence-based practice as "access to, and application and integration of evidence to guide clinical decision-making to provide best practice for the patient/client". 123 writers online. Excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey by Homer. The more complicated a character is, the more he or she engages these major themes. Answers Physics, 13.04.2021 21:00 Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. For example, when Odysseus finally arrived in Ithaca and was informed about the suitors invading his home, Athena agreed to support him through his plan of destroying them. The visual of this is the familiar triangle with each section providing information for each component's complexity. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. They fell in, soon enough, with Lotus-Eaters, who showed no will to do us harm, only offering the sweet Lotus to our friends— but those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus, Trey repeated the scales. Homer also states that the name Odysseus means "victim of enmity", no doubt in reference to the ill-feeling which Poseidon directed against the hero.Homer portrayed Odysseus as a man of outstanding wisdom and shrewdness, eloquence, resourcefulness, courage, and endurance. Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus. 'My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends,everyone calls me Nohbdy.' . c) it was once home to major cities that have since become abandoned. It must have taken a deal of strength to bore a stake into the eye of such a great creature as the cyclops. My home is on the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca under Mount Neion's wind-blown robe of leaves, in sight of other islands—Dulichium, Same, wooded Zacynthus-Ithaca being most lofty in that coastal sea, and northwest, while the rest lie east and south. Synthesizing prior experience and knowledge with facts and evidence provided in a text, critical readers draw carefully considered . Secondary School Based on the evidence provided, readers can conclude that Odysseus greenirell144 is waiting for your help. Odysseus above all other men and helps him defeat the suitors because he embodies all the qualities which she, as a goddess, is known for." This thesis statement has a qualifying phrase ("Odysseus may seem to succeed only because he has a powerful goddess on his side"), a conclusion ("Athene favors Odysseus above all other misses his native land. Odysseus is very strong and powerful; this is especially prevalent in battle with his enemies.
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