BS. Mrs. Sue Destrampe 5th Grade and 4-6 Social Studies 482-0599 ext. Adams Elementary. Adams Elementary; Cleveland Elementary; Eisenhower Elementary; Jackson Elementary; Jefferson Elementary; Kennedy Elementary; Lakeview Elementary; . Administration & Office Staff. Visit for more information. Close. Clear. Email Maria Carbajal. (05/19/2022) Strong partnerships are essential for the success of Anoka-Hennepin students, staff, schools, and community. Aeries Portal (opens in new window/tab) Bond Measures (opens in new window/tab) . Email: 14025 Berwyn St, Redford, MI 48239 Phone: (313) 532-8064 Fax: (313) 532-2585 Facebook. Staff Directory. 9275 Glacier Point Drive Stockton, CA 95212. Other Contact Information. Staff Directory. 1 2 3 . Tel (209) 953-9601 Fax: (209) 953-9603. Barack Obama Elementary School; Bellevue Elementary School; . Every day is a great day at Adams! Staff Directory; Name: . VILLAGE OF BARBOURSVILLE ELEMENTARY; . Email: View Profile Gail Baker Paraprofessional. Email Kristy Allen. . Kristin Benedict Elementary Math Coach. I am looking forward to a very exciting and successful school year with the students, parents, and staff at . VALERIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: TONI: ADAMS: TEACHERS - ART K-8 (937) 542-4612: VALERIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: WILLIE: BAILEY: TEACHERS - PHYSICAL EDUCATION About. Find Us . George Washington Elementary. Staff. John Adams Elementary; John Stallings Elementary; Lincoln Fundamental Elementary; Louis VanderMolen Fundamental Elementary; Norco Elementary; Orange Elementary; . Email Elizabeth Adams. About Us (opens in new window/tab) . MAIN CALENDAR . FALCON STORE. Name: Title: Location: Search. Staff Directory. Staff Directory Most staff can be reached by email. Speech & Language Specialist , Speech & Language Specialist. Staff Directory. John Adams Elementary School 8362 Colorado Ave., Riverside, CA 92504. Faculty & Staff Directory. Jeff Boris Art Phone: 7209726241. Email: View Profile Adams Junior High 4141 Cross Creek Bend Lane Fulshear, TX 77441 Phone:281-234-3400 Submit. Greylock Elementary School 100 Phelps Ave North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-662-3255 or 413-412-1110 Fax: 413-412-1083 Close. Natchez-Adams School District serves K-12th grade students in Natchez, MS. . Every day our award-winning teachers and staff strive to help our students learn, grow, and challenge themselves in every way possible, while paying attention to the whole child. Mobile Drawer Trigger. Email Kristin Benedict. Website accessibility; Non-discrimination statement Search site using Google. Carr Elementary School; Casa View Elementary School; Cedar Crest Elementary School Welcome to Adams Central Public Schools. HOME. Miranda D'agostino Psychiatric Social Worker- PSW. Email: Sneed Elementary School; Staff Directory; . Keyword First Name Last Name. School Name School Type. Submit. Ashley Adams Instructional Assistant - Special Education Betsy Alder Child Care Director Welcome to Adams Elementary! Staff Directory" Contact Us" Let's Talk Cabell Schools; Cabell County Schools; Homepage; District Home . South Adams Schools is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website for people with disabilities. Name: . Rhonda Andrews Food Service . Calendar Parent Portal Homework Directions. 2018-2019 Mississippi Succeeds Report Card; About the Natchez-Adams School District; Braden Staff Directory; Deputy Superintendent; District Photo Album; Natchez-Adams School District Plans. Elementary School; C.F. Email: Phone: 720-972-5644. # E-Mail Link; Sharon: Adams: Girdler Elementary: Instructional Staff: 1503: Send an Email: Crystal: Alsip: Girdler Elementary Christie-jo Adams Titles: Coordintor Curriculum/Instruct Email: Christina Adams Titles: Teacher Email: Cynthia Adams Email: Elizabeth Adams Titles . Staff Directory Reset ~ Attendance, Adams. District Office & Green Canyon HS. Welcome to adams Elementary School! Indianapolis, IN 46259 ; Phone: 317-862-2065; FAX: 317-862-7255 Email: View Profile RUSD does not discriminate in any employment practice, education . Campus Directory. The Riverside Unified School District is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. Arlington ISD > Adams Elementary School > Staff Directory > Campus Administrators Principal - Nathan Tave Hello, my name is Nathan Tave and this will be my 13th year in education. Fax: 260-724-4777. Calendar Staff Directory Homework Directions . Staff Directory; Staff Directory. Heritage Elementary Principal. Phone: 720-972-2340. Adams Elementary 14707 E. 8th Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99037 Nicole Karaus, Principal Get all the information related to Staff Adams 12 - Make website login easier than ever Birch Creek ES & Sunrise ES. Staff Directory {{friend.fname}} {{friend.lname}} {{friend.HasTitle}} . As COVID cases increase, consider these strategies to protect your family. Email Hilda Cruz. Google Map Link opens new browser tab. Phone: 720-972-5503. Feedback related to accessibility issues will be addressed by . Teacher Pages - Ansel Adams Elementary School. First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department; Zineb: Abdimi: Adams Elem: Child Nutrition Asst: (763) 506-1611 . 2020 National Blue Ribbon School Profile Follow us on Twitter. THURSDAY MESSAGE MAY 19, 2022. Email: View Profile Phone: 720-972-5421. Mobile Search. For those of you new to Adams School, my name is Christa Healy and I am the Principal of Adams and serve as the Special Education Administrator for District 27. Email: View Profile Mrs. Sue Destrampe 5th Grade and 4-6 Social Studies 482-0599 ext. The new year is off to a wonderful start. First Last Location Position Phone Ext. Teresa Landon Jane Addams Principal. I am looking forward to a very exciting and successful school year with the students, parents, and staff at . Hilda Cruz Assistant Principal. Staff Directory. Covid Safety Plan; Welcome; Mission Statement; History; . Search Anoka-Hennepin's districtwide staff directory. Tatum Jr. 9275 Glacier Point Drive Stockton, CA 95212. . John Quincy Adams Elementary May Moore Elementary Robert Frost Middle School. . Staff Directory - Adams Elementary School. First Name: Last Name: Title: Location: District Wide Search District Office H.H. Lake Zurich High School. I started my career teaching Social Studies at Fort Worth Dunbar Middle School and from there taught at the Dallas Can Academy. Elementary. Search. Adams Elementary. Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" START OVER: Molly Anderson; 260/589-1101 Lois Bailey; 260/589-1101 Kathy Bauman; . Principal's Message; School Uniforms; Staff Directory; School History; Online Student Registration; School Hours; School Supply List (PK-5th) Staff Directory. Director of Building and Grounds/Indoor Air Quality Coordinator. Student Support. District Home. Miss Stephanie Adams Teacher Upper Elementary. STAFF EMAIL ACCESS. Email Me. Adams Central has a long and distinguished history of service to children and families. Powered by Edlio. Adams Elementary 1138 E. Memorial Drive Janesville, WI 53545 Phone: 608-743-6300 Fax: 608-743-6310 Principal: Mrs. Dana Simmons . START OVER: ADAMS, CINDY M; 304-528-5000 ADAMS, JOHNNA R; 304-528-5180 ADAMS, KELLY L; 304-743-7308 ADAMS, KENDY N; 304-733-3019 ADAMS, MELISSA D . Portal; Employee Access Center (EAC) (opens in new window/tab) . Select Departments Elementary Middle/High . Kassie Cabage Jane Addams 1st Grade Teacher. William Howard Taft Elementary School Our School Staff Directory Staff Directory 3722 N. Anderson St., Boise, ID 83703 | Phone 208-854-6180 | Fax 208-854-6181 STAFF DIRECTORY. Preschool Site Director , Preschool Teacher. Search for people on this page. Staff. 5th Grade Teacher Kotary, Jorah . Main Office: 206-252-1300 Fax: 206-252-1301 Adams Elementary Website. Come visit the Adams library during the Scholastic Book Fair to find some great books, and support our school library at the same time. Home; About Us . Quick Links . Eleanore Bowman Assistant Secretary. Phone (631) 274-4000. Main Menu. The Lincoln Public Schools District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status or economic status in its programs, activities and employment. Gabriela Cano Technology Support. Staff Directory _____ CVSD - Boundary Maps; CVSD - Community Involvement ; CVSD - School Safety . The district is comprised of 13 schools, including a Pre-K, eight elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and a non-traditional school; with total enrollment . Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Navigation. Brad Bagley Physical Education Teacher. Departments . Send Email; Nondiscrimination Statement. 309-743-8146. Adams Elementary School. Email Gabriela Cano. Menu. District Office. CMS Login Google Twitter ADA Link. Close. Erin LaPointe, Resource Room Teacher erlapointe@lwsd.o rg. View Google Map Site Map. John Adams Elementary School Staff Directory. Adams Elementary 1138 E. Memorial Drive Janesville, WI 53545 Phone: 608-743-6300 Fax: 608-743-6310 If you have an urgent concern about your student, please call the school office. Sarah Cue, Counselor John Adams Elementary. Stephanie Peters Jane Addams Administrative Assistant. Phone: (989) 923-6037 Fax: (989) 923-6035. SLS Paraeducator , BASE Site Leader. Clear. Location First Name Last Name Job Title Work Phone Email; . Phone 951-352-6709 | Fax . Staff Directory. Home; Administration. kcabage@molineschools . Search. Birdie Alexander Elementary School; Bishop Arts STEAM Academy; Bond 2015; Bond 2020; Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts; Boude Storey Middle School; Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy; C.A. . Phone 951-736-3313 | Fax 951-736-7130. Elementary School 975 South Adams Central Ave 402-463-0040; . Jump To: -Junior High -High School. Staff Directory - Adams Elementary. Anoka-Hennepin has resources available to support our students, staff members and families. Email: Search. Top Scroll back to the top of the page. Erika Keck, Safety Net Directory - Dowell Elementary. Then hit the "find" button to complete the filter process. Find Us . 1103 Office and Support Staff - Ansel Adams Elementary School. Rachel Pemble, Psychologist Top Scroll back to the top of the page. 2350 Border Ave, Corona, CA 92882. 4001. . BA. Staff Directory; Staff Directory. John Adams Elementary is part of Kingsport City School District in Kingsport, Tenn.Kingsport City Schools (KCS) is a public school district located in Kingsport, Tenn., serving students in Sullivan and Hawkins counties. Jennifer Adrian Teacher Heritage Elementary. North Adams Public Schools 10 Main Street, Second Floor North Adams, MA 01247 Phone 413-776-1458 Fax 413-776-1685 Last Name First Name Title Email Address Details; Delacruz: Adams Elementary; Adams School Directory; School Directory. For those of you new to Adams School, my name is Christa Healy and I am the Principal of Adams and serve as the Special Education Administrator for District 27. Teacher, Elementary : Xai Her : Grier: Tienesha: Specialist, Resource, Sp Ed : Tienesha Grier : Enos: Maria: Manager, School Office I . Cache HS. Staff members, if you have changes or questions about the staff directory, please contact Human Resources. California School Directory Adams Elementary New Search County: San Diego District: San Diego Unified: School: Adams Elementary CDS Code: 37 68338 6039101 School Address: 4672 35th St. San Diego, CA 92116-3536 . Phone: 260-724-7146. Leslie Elmer, Resource Room Teacher Email: View Profile George Washington Elementary School Staff Directory. Powered by Edlio. Email Gail Baker. A medida que aumentan los casos del COVID, considere estas estrategias para proteger a su familia. Alvarado, Andrea. The new year is off to a wonderful start. Ms. Melissa Shaw Social Worker. Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment; Equity; Learning Information Systems (LIS) Learning Supports and Federal Programs; Human Resources and Employee Benefits Dow High School Midland High School Jefferson Middle School Northeast Middle School Adams Elementary School Central Park Elementary School Chestnut Hill Elementary School Plymouth Elementary School Siebert Elementary School Woodcrest Elementary . > Adams Facebook < > ParentSquare < > 2021-2022 District Calendar < > Staff Directory < Nondiscrimination (opens in new window/tab) Accessibility (opens in new window/tab) Adams Elementary School 1005 Adams Dr Midland, MI 48642 . Kindergarten Teacher . Close Menu. Cache High. (05/25/2022) The safety of students and staff is our first priority as a school system. Staff Directory; 10 Things You Need to Know; Talented and Gifted Information (opens in new window/tab) Calendar; LMC; Meal Menus (opens in new window/tab) Newsletters; Our Principal; Adams Elementary. Adams Elementary School ( Page 2 ) Adams Elementary School / Staff Directory ( Page 2 ) Staff Directory Reset; Klimenkov-Paulk, Margaret. Then type in the staff member's last name, or pick a sub-category. Important Links. Search. Arlington ISD > Adams Elementary School > Staff Directory. Cedar Ridge ES. Directory; . Powered by Edlio. Powered by . Administrative Theresa Dawley Office Manager (541) 757-5938 Peter Henning Principal 971-600-1082 The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring. Elementary 260-692-6629 309-743-8162. 1309 South Camas Avenue Wapato, WA 98951 Phone: (509) 877-4180 Fax: (509) 877-2761 . About Us. Adams Central Community Schools 222 West Washington St Monroe, IN 46772 (260) 692-6193.
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