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shaped charge standoff distanceshaped charge standoff distance

This study reveals that the optimum standoff distances for copper, tungsten and tantalum are 3.63D, 3.89D and 4.46D, respectively, where D is a cone diameter of shaped charge. A shaped-charge consists of a thin-walled metallic cone (the liner) with high explosive molded around the outside of the cone. The results show that JPC tail . High speed videos were recorded during testing to determine the velocity of the . (usually measured in charge diameters). At close standoff distance there is no need for the cone-tailed projectiles' aerodynamic stability, which means that the liner can be simplified. . However, for the target, the mesh is graduated after 10 mm. The optimum standoff distance curves can be obtained from the standoff-penetration chart proposed in this paper. Prior Art . Figure 3-11 Change of jet tip velocity with standoff distance for meshes with cells of A magnesium shaped charge jet can cause the TNT or RDX in the bomb to burn, without causing a detonation. . Shaped charges are explosive devices with a high penetration capability and are used for both civilian and military purposes. The internal feature creates a "standoff" (i.e. A 3/4 inch (20 mm) spaced armour plate with a stand-off distance of 12 inches (30 cm) or less actually enhanced the shaped charge's effect by optimizing its stand-off distance. 3.1 Stand-off test The aim of the test is to obtain the relationship between the stand-off distance and the penetration depth, and to therefore determine the optimal stand-off distance. . This invention relates to providing ignition to a shaped charge projectile at an appropriate stand-off distance from the target. That enables it to be a powerful tool for shaped charge warhead design. DEMOLITION MATERIALS Keywords Tue Oct 02 2001 at 2:02:05: A shaped charge is a particular method of utilizing high explosive. The difference in the shape and weight of the liner allows the EFP to be deployed from a greater distance than a traditional shaped charge. 3. Keywords: hydrodynamics penetration, shaped charge, charge casing, cone liner, standoff 1. This characteristic made them short-ranged weapons. The thickness () of the cylinder-cone liner is 2.5 mm and the cone angle () of the truncated copper liner is 60. The penetration depth for each [1] Figure 2: Penetration mechanism The main shaped charge influencing parameters are shaped charge liner (material, wall thickness, apex angle and geometrical shape), explosive charge (type and density), confinement (material and wall thickness) , standoff distance It is observed Standoff distance (SoD) is a distance between the front of the liner and the target (Poole, 2005). Sometimes aluminum is used, for similar reasons. 12005 Numerical studies on the optimum standoff distance of shaped charges for various target materials Weerachart Kulsirikasem, Ganchai Tanapornraweekit. The resulting dispersion decreased the penetration depth for a given cone diameter and also shortened the optimum standoff distance. Zhidkosti Gaza 6, 9 (1974); N. S. Sanasaryan, ibid. Various types are used to cut and form . Heavier IEDs which utilize the heavy slug concept can be used with roadside ambushes, detonating at a standoff distance from the target, inflicting devastating effect and fragmentation on the protected and light armored targets and their surrounding. The velocity distribution and breakup . In conversation the two terms are often used interchangeably but technically the shaped charge creates the EFP which, in turn, defeats armor. When the charge is ignited the resulting detonation wave collapses the liner into a high velocity jet or slug that . As I understand it, slat armor can do a couple other things against shaped charges beyond standoff. Keywords: hydrodynamics penetration, shaped charge, charge casing, cone liner, standoff 1. Claims have been made [S. S. Grigoryan and N. S. Sanasaryan, Mekh. The nose cone standoff distance to the shape charge is approximately 4 inches. for the appropriate standoff distance and aimed at . depth of penetration of a shaped charge jet increases with increasing distance from the shaped charge base to the target (called standoff distance) up to a certain optimal distance, then starts. Interestingly, the emerging "Shaped Charge" may also be able to reach as far as 70km in the future, as Excalibur is also being fired from the Army's emerging Extended Range Cannon Artillery . From the comparison between experiments and CUMUL results, it was concluded that CUMUL program shows a good agreement with the experiments. Since the charges were less effective at larger standoffs, side and turret skirts . the square root of the ratio of target to jet . charges with a non zero standoff distance. Introduction Shaped charge (SC) is an explosive mechanism used to penetrate thick targets such as an armoured plate, stone . The concrete slabs with a diameter of 570.0 mm and a thickness of 200.0 mm are used to stack the targets. High Explosives (TNT Equivalent) Pipe Bomb . Heavier IEDs which utilize the heavy slug concept can be used with roadside ambushes, detonating at a standoff distance from the target, inflicting devastating effect and fragmentation on the protected and light armored targets and their surrounding. Electric detonator #8 Booster charge Foamed polystyrene Steel target plates (5 mm, 8 sheets) 190 200 160 84.2 26 20 Balsa wood LSC Figure 2: Stand-off test setup. Slat armor would deform any shaped projectile by squashing it down, deforming it, which would not only shorten the potential length for the cone to reach optimal velocity, but deforming the cone along with potentially skewing its angle of attack, potentially increasing the distance between armor and shell, but also armor angle, giving it more effective thickness. The shaped charges detonated at a standoff distance of two calibers in front of a 10 mm thick, 608 inclined RHA plate. An improved linear shaped charge device, particularly for underwater use, wherein there is structurally included an integral air tight standoff to precisely separate the chevron shaped explosive chamber from the work piece and having optimum, critical dimensions for the angle of the chevron, liner thickness and standoff distance. See: perforating gun 2. n. [Formation Evaluation] The distance between the external surface of a logging tool and the borehole wall. From the comparison between experiments and CUMUL results, it was concluded that CUMUL program shows a good agreement with the experiments. 5 lbs ; 2.3 kg . Formulated concrete C35 is used. The paper analyses the formation, elongation and disruption processes of JPC by using LS-DYNA software. When the warhead reaches a preset stand-off distance from the target,. assist in determining the proper LSC / FLSC. 1. Expected penetration of the shape charge is The analytical model is correlated to three types of experiments that study the shaped-charge jet-formation process and resulting penetration phenomena. Since the charges were less effective at larger standoffs, side and turret . When this extremely energetic jet strikes a metal plate, a deep cavity is formed, exceeding that caused by a hollow charge without a liner. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS Leak Rate: Thermal Performance: IV. The charges are used for blasting earth craters and to bore holes in metal, masonry and reinforced concrete. Improvising Shaped Charges . Suicide Belt : 10 lbs . In order to achieve penetration damage efficiently under larger standoff distance condition, a shaped charge warhead is designed on the basis of jetting penetrator charges (JPC) formation and disruption theory. Shaped charges are explosive devices with a high penetration capability and are used for both civilian and military purposes. OF THE LINEAR SHAPED CHARGE (LSC) James Lee Smith Systems Dynamics Laboratory Science and Engineering May 1984 National Aeronautics and Space Admin~stration . A shaped charge is an explosive charge shaped to focus the effect of the explosive's energy. The charge diameter D is 100.0 mm and the charge length L is 120.0 mm. The equation for the dynamic plate thickness is derived as a function of standoff distance Z 0, jet tip velocity v j0, cutoff velocity v jc, plate velocities v PI and NATO angle of the ERA sandwich. B and bigger standoff distance can easily surpass the penetration of a 120mm HEAT shell, and many do. That's fine for an infantry anti-tank . In civilian applications shaped charge devices . The tests were directed to investigate the effect of cone apex angle and standoff distance on the performance of shaped charge. Figure 2: Stand-off test setup. 70 ft : 21 m . 1. n. [Perforating] The space between the shaped charge and the internal surface of the perforating gun body. The charge (13.2 kg of Comp B) will perforate 152 cm of reinforced concrete and 51 cm of armour plate. The tests were directed to investigate the effect of cone apex angle and standoff distance on the performance of shaped charge. Senior Army weapons developers explain that extending ground-war attack . Figure 1A shaped charge, pri nciple of work 850 ft : 259 m . 3.1 Stand-off test The aim of the test is to obtain the relationship between the stand-off distance and the penetration depth, and to therefore determine the optimal stand-off distance. When the charge is ignited the resulting detonation wave collapses the liner into a high velocity jet or slug that . The standoff is generally sufficient to allow the shaped charge jet to form before exiting the gun body. The shaped charges detonated at a standoff distance of two calibers in front of a 10 mm thick, 608 inclined RHA plate. Shaped charges with conical liners, hemispherical liners, or bow-shaped liners all collapse and form jets and/or slugs in a different manner. and then arranged the toilet paper tube to establish the proper standoff distance. Two basic problems for naval applications. Fig. By Oat GT. 1. At further 200 mm in line of sight or 100 mm . The standoff distance between the shaped charge and the targets is 150.0 mm (1.5 D) and 250.0 mm (2.5 D ), respectively. That enables it to be a powerful tool for shaped charge warhead design. It is well known that each specific shaped charge has its own optimum standoff distance. The stand-off distance was chosen to be 2.5 times the CD of the shaped charge. THE HISTORY OF SHAPED CHARGES < WILL1Aiki w,,,,.v..,,s P. WA LTERS DTICDTIC ELECTE SEP281900 . 2008-08-31T17:07. LINEAR SHAPED CHARGE Linear Shaped Charge consists of a continuous explosive core enclosed in a seamless metal sheath, formed into an appropriate shape to . I then taped the whole shebang to the trunk of a big cedar tree standing in the . Time distance plots for defining the time differences of disturbing sequences of shaped charge jets by ERA sandwiches (or other "moving" targets). For homemade shaped charges the standoff distance can be anywhere from 0.75 to 1.5 times the cone diameter. The technique can also be used in rock blasting (eg, under water) and oil and gas exploration. 109mm shaped charge with 1.8 CD standoff will penetrate around 4.4-4.5 charge diameters, or around 480-490mm. For the purpose of this text we used the greater distance of 1.5 times the cone diameter with extremely effective results. Kennedy (1983) describes similar studies dated from 1913 to the early 1930.k concened with the hollow The standoff distance between the shaped charge and the targets is 150.0 mm (1.5 D) and 250.0 mm (2.5 D ), respectively. However, more standoff (distance from LSC to surface to be cut) is required with aluminum. Investigation of Materials for Liner of Shaped Charge Warhead and Their Optimum Standoff Distances. Formulated concrete C35 is used. Some is required to allow the jet of penetrating gas time to form but too much and the jet disipates. A shaped charge can be used in cutting a thick metallic plate in a machine or a structure when common methods are not available. 111. Tungsten alloy is a suitable material for tungsten alloy shaped charge liners. Which means that they needed a low-velocity impact which in turn meant that they needed low muzzle velocities. The CSC assembly was then placed at a standoff distance of 0.257 meters from the top steel plate. First, the shaped charges of the WWII era needed time for the gas jet to form. 2 shows the setup of the stand-off test. As the military and civilian urban legend goes (and this one might even be true) . This metric stems both from the historic targets of interest and the traditional output characteristic of a conical shaped charge, which produces a stretching jet with penetration depth proportional to jet length. A shaped charge is often made as a cylinder filled with explosive, a detonator at one end and a hollow cavity with a metallic conical liner at the other. The standoff distance The penetration of copper, aluminum, and tantalum shaped charge jets through water was studied and documented by means of high speed photography and both make and break electrical switches. shaped charge penetration 1/39 Abstract Shaped charges are a well established type of projectile, subjected to a lot of research ever since emerging as a viable technology in the 1940s. Outdoor Evacuation Distance. Each concrete slab was encased by a steel tube with a thickness of 2.0 mm. At further 200 mm in line of sight or 100 mm . The optimum standoff distance for each liner can be determined from the standoff-penetration chart presented in this paper. . Test Plan The shaped-charge test plan incorporated two sets of tests: (1) flat-plate tests to assess the distance perfor-mance of the shaped charge, and (2) a pressurized-tank An RPG round with a thin warhead casing (large shaped charge) with a more powerful explosive than Comp. Improvement of Shaped Charge Penetration Capability and Disturbation of the Jet by Explosive Reactive Armor . It is found that the jet velocity is proportional to the jet energy, and the penetration is proportional to the liner density. The penetration achieved by shaped charges decreases with increased standoff distance. THE SHAPED CHARGE CONCEPT N PART II. Jet radius or liner thickness, shell thickness, liner material density, angle and stand-off distance are evaluated in purpose to investigate their effect on performance of shaped charge jet velocity and jet breakup phenomena, also . Both the diameter (d) and length (l) of the cylindrical liner are 30.0 mm. Furthermore, Resnyansky and Weckert [ 7] experimentally derived that the ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC, 200 MPa) exhibited nearly 22% higher jet impact resistance than NSC (40 MPa). At very long standoffs, velocity is lost to air drag, degrading penetration further. A shaped charge (presumably with some sort of material with kinetic potential like a copper cone) is designed to create an explosively formed penitrator (EFP) of molten metal that can defeat armor. and the penetration depth and, therefore, determine the optimal stand-off distance. standoff distance, vibration, shock, etc. The penetrating effectiveness of a shaped charge jet is markedly enhanced by standoff. The resulting dispersion decreased the penetration depth for a given cone diameter and also shortened the optimum standoff distance. The main difference is how much the . Although it might not be possible to locate the shape charges at the optimum standoff distance in battlefield, other locations where it is able to produce desired level of penetration can be chosen based on the proposed chart. Abstract A unified anlaytical approach to the solution of the shaped-charge penetration in concrete problem has been developed and is presented. The shaped charges can be divided into the following categories,. 6, 151 (1975)] that for given standoff distance, a certain initial jet velocity profile exists . shaper increases the shaped charge depth penetration. The shell of the shaped charge is ignored in numerical simulation and filled with HMX. Standoff is provided for by a fiber sleeve or metal legs supporting the charge at the time of firing. The internal features are located and configured to align with each of the shaped charges to create a standoff (or "distance . 4.5 kg : 90 ft . Figure 7. Similarly, on guided missiles the warhead is usually somewhere mid-body, behind the seeker. Additive Manufacturing of Liners for Shaped Charges Jason Ho 1, Cody S. Lough2, Phillip Mulligan , Edward C. Kinzel2, Catherine E. Johnson1 1Mining and Explosives . For the standoff of 6 charge calibres, the jet penetration is found to be deepest. In that chart, it seems penetration drops by somewhere between a third and half with an extra 12-18" of standoff from optimal, which is not nothing. 27 m . illustrate shaped charge penetration. It is less reactive, but more ductile, and cheaper. Introduction Shaped charge (SC) is an explosive mechanism used to penetrate thick targets such as an armoured plate, stone . The shaped charge liner may be axially symmetrical in the form of a cone or section of a sphere and behind the apex is mounted the follow through secondary target defeating mechanism which is surrounded by the explosive charge. Electric detonator #8 Booster charge Foamed polystyrene Steel target plates (5 mm, 8 sheets) 190 200 160 84.2 26 20 Balsa wood LSC Figure 2: Stand-off test setup. Of course, the formed penetrators experience some overlap, i.e., a shaped charge with a truncated hemispherical liner or a shaped charge with a wide angle conical liner may look like an EFP. Efficient design of shaped charges requires a full calculation of all three basic processes involved: liner collapse, jet fragmentation, and subsequent penetration in the target. EFPs allow the bomb or mine to be blown up from a distance, since they have better standoff than shaped charge jets do. Peak pressures in the metal plate of 100-200 GPa are generated, decaying to an average of 10-20 GPa. The Excalibur "shaped charge" brings an entirely new anti-tank weapon, able to reach as far as 30km (18.64 miles). In applications, the distance between the base of the shaped charge and the target must be correct. The obliqueexplosive reactive armor is more efficient for the protection of the main In Not how it's supposed to. Spaced armour had to be at least 30 inches (75 cm) from the main armour to defeat the shaped charge - increasing the overall width of the vehicle by 5 feet (1.5 metres). The maximum depth of penetration, P max, of a shaped charge jet can theoretically be calculated from 5 quantities for the purely continuous, or for the initially continuous and then particulated, or for the fully particulated penetrating jet.These quantities are the distance Z 0 of the target plate from the virtual origin, the value of (i.e. The SIM-EFP is a construction that fits in between the military linear cutting charge (see shaped charge) and the platter charge (see improvised explosive device). To be most effective, the shaped charge has to be detonated at the right distance from the target. Time distance plots for defining the time differences of disturbing sequences of shaped charge jets by ERA sandwiches (or other "moving" targets). using the 'part fill' option in AUTODYN [9]. Efficient design of shaped charges requires a full calculation of all three basic processes involved: liner collapse, jet fragmentation, and subsequent penetration in the target. The stretching jet eventually particulates which limits the effective standoff distance of the charge. The performance of the shaped charges and the effect of the liner and standoff distance are represented schematically in Fig. The concrete slabs with a diameter of 570.0 mm and a thickness of 200.0 mm are used to stack the targets.

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shaped charge standoff distance

shaped charge standoff distance