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why should we protect endangered species essaywhy should we protect endangered species essay

Essay Protect Endangered Species - donating = loving. Nearly driven extinct by habitat loss, the rosy periwinkle rebounded afterscientists discovered its medicinal properties. Without strong enforcement, laws become useless. In the 1980s, a society named ARCHELON was established by a group of concerned citizens and scientists. Europe in the United Nations recognized that multifariousness is a concern of humankind. While many plants may be approaching extinction without our knowledge, these plants could contain a huge number of important compounds that can extend the human lifespan or the cure for deadly diseases. As a volunteer on GVIs Thailand elephant reintegration project in Chiang Mai, youll collect data on the behaviour and feeding patterns of elephants. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. Rise In The Overall Earth's Temperatures 4. Whereas, this natural extinction is no longer in nature's control, but is manipulated by humanity, thus increasing the extinction rate of species abnormally. However, this does not mean that the . But extinctions are natural, as evidenced by countless species known only from fossils and museum specimens. Extinction is the engine of . In 2014-2015, for example, farmers in the U.S. have reported losses of over 40 percent of bee colonies. When a species becomes endangered, it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. The cheetah is not yet endangered. Some people would use many kind of animals to take their leather and use to it as clothes, bags, and shoes. Today, few rhinos survive outside of national parks due to poaching and the destruction of their natural habitat. Here are some of the projects that you could get involved in to add to the conservation of endangered species with GVI. 1. For example, a review study published in 2010 in Nature found a strong link between low bird diversity in the United States and an increased risk of West Nile encephalitis, a mosquito-transmitted virus, in humans. Save Endangered Species Essay. In fact, the past five mass extinctions occurring over an average cycle of 26 million years have wiped out entire families of animals and plants, including the dinosaurs. Our writers will help you fix any mistakes and get an A+! Don't use plagiarized sources. Let's start by finding a writer. Science and research on endangered species have proved that some of the species are used in areas such as disease and human health research. Would you like to have an original essay? Which scuba-diving qualifications can you get while volunteering abroad? Black Rhino: Critically Endangered Species, The Problem of Endangered Species: Causes and Solutions, Eco Friendly Construction Methods and Materials, How Plastic Pollution Can Impact Both Marine Life and Human Health, A High-Performance Waste Solution for Polystyrene: Limonene Recycling Machine. In early 2002, the UN met with many different countries in Germany to discuss and pass the Convention On Migratory Species. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. In fact, carbon dioxide levels inside Biosphere 2 were 12 times that of the outside, while oxygen levels were down to those at an altitude of 17,000 feet. Disclaimer: The images in this article were taken pre-COVID-19. Hundreds of exotic animals die everyday, they are a potential health risk to humans, and many Picture this- you live the first few years of your life happy with your family. They were determined to safeguard the loggerhead turtle, and focused on the development of the shoreline, which had a negative impact on sea turtle habitats. Many countries have laws but a lot of them have been broken because they lack enforcement. Ecosystems are groups of plants and animals that are found in the same area and interact with each other. But the discovery of such life-saving compounds from the wild can be a double-edged sword. Visit our FAQs page which explains our latest safety protocols in response to COVID-19. While species are being extinct, we could be missing out on the significance of medicine and cures that are yet to be discovered. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. Caring For The Environment : 8 Reasons to Protect & Sustain Earth Why is it Important to Take Care of Our Environment ? Endangered Species Animal Welfare Ecology Topics: Medicinal value 2. . Monetizing nature is tricky. Many people consider that the protection of endangered species can be explained by quite obvious reasons, but some people still question why it is important to save animals from extinction. Heres why. Almost a million genera have already been identified. How my community shaped me essay. Why should we save the endangered species? The decrease in their population size is largely due to elephant labour in the tourism industry, as well as deforestation of their habitats. Read more We've found 7 essays on Endangered Species Essay examples Essay topics information Endangered animals need to be protected by us to live; they are part of the world. But there also are other hidden reasons underneath them. Check out GVIs other sea turtle conservation projects in, Despite their importance to the ecosystem, black rhinos in South Africa are listed as. As the most intelligent species on earth, humans have a responsibility to protect endangered animals and plants. Does it then make economic sense to protect them? Why We Protect Them The Endangered Species Act is very important because it saves our native fish, plants, and other wildlife from going extinct. will give you the chance to help maintain well-balanced ecosystems and conserve the animals that depend on them. Species being extinct can affect our ecosystem because of the duties each of them may have. The conservation and restoration of endangered species helps ensure that humans maintain a healthy environment too. Thats why, when you contribute to the conservation efforts of endangered species, youre also contributing towards humans well-being. (2021, May 31). Six of the seven species of sea turtles are listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Natures (IUCNs) Red List. Rhinos are known as megaherbivores very large animals that only eat plants. A GVI volunteer measures the turtle in Giannitsochori, Greece. Group programs provide dynamic volunteer opportunities for high school students. The S. 826: WILD Act- is a bill that aims to reauthorize the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and certain wildlife conservation funds (Congress, 2017). Youll learn more about conservation in a real-life context, and experience the challenges involved in conservation up close. Just have to change the heading to what was on the article instead of what you thought it should be.. Researches have calculated about 3,879 different types of animals that are critically endangered while people say protecting endangered animals is a waste of money, time, and have no benefits for us. Without vultures, the Parsis have been struggling to find alternative ways of respectfully taking care of their dead. What Will Happen if Endangered Species Become Extinct? Four Reasons Why We Should Save Endangered Species 1. Rhinos are poached primarily for their horns. Must be made in response to an offer like in R v Clarke and correspond with the offer. Looking to help sea turtles elsewhere? For the enjoyment of future generations One of the strongest arguments for saving endangered animals is simply that we want to. Being able to bring environmental awareness, could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the number of species that have been endangered over time. Endangered animals need to be helped soon or they will become extinct. We should save whatever species and habitats can be easily rescued (once-endangered creatures such as bald eagles and peregrine falcons now flourish), refrain from polluting waterways, limit . Philippine Eagles, Why Save them. In 2021, 451 rhinos were poached in South Africa. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay. There are 650 species of freshwater worms but only a few have been approved by the food and drug administration for medical use. In the 1990s, researchers in India began noticing something strange in the skies. China has always supported animal rights, and has passed several laws regarding the protection of animals, yet enforcement has often been too lax to make a difference. Why should we protect animals essay? In India, for instance, vultures help dispose off the carcasses of livestock that are otherwise not eaten. Volunteers work in partnership with local elephant carers (mahouts) who draw on generations of local knowledge about elephants. As a volunteer on GVIs anti-poaching project, youll learn about the conservation concerns in South Africa. according to the IUCN. Why should we protect endangered animals essay . In 2013, 68.9% of employed new college graduates did not receive health insurance through their employers and, in 2011, 27.2% received retirement coverage (down from 41.5% in 2000). . Also, the population of Chinas national animal, the Giant Panda, is rapidly declining each day, mainly due to habitat loss and the low amount of available food. Part of your duties on a wildlife conservation program might include data collection, which provides valuable information that can be used by scientists. The black rhino population has experienced a more than 90% decline in their numbers since 1970. are listed as endangered by the IUCN. When they graze in the forest, they cover great stretches of ground and control the growth of vegetation. Data collected from GVI conservation projects contributes to coastal management plans in Greece. Protecting these species is beneficial to us for medical purposes, agriculture, which majority of our food comes from farms that are needing support from species and evolving the world. What will be the impact of extinction of species? We Only Have One Earth As Our Home 2. By pricing and commodifying the natural world and then taking the obvious next step establishing a market in ecosystem services accounting has the unintended consequence of turning the biosphere into a subsidiary of the economy, Monbiot writes. There are around 41,000 endangered species, and around 16,000 of them are on the edge of extinction. Nature has inspired countless artists, writers, musicians, and artists. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from GVI and our partners. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. In some instances, conservation agencies also support rural infrastructure around protected areas, establishinghealth care centers, schools, and drinking water schemes. Forests, fish stocks, biodiversity, hydrological cycles become owned, in effect, by the very interests corporations, landlords, banks whose excessive power is most threatening to them. Twelve thousand of the endangered species were animals consisting of vertebrates and invertebrates. If no stringent actions are taken to save our wildlife the extinction of our animals and habitat will have a fatal impact on the human race as well. There should be a type of device that could scan an animal to find out if this has been discovered yet or not, this device should be full of information about the species that have already been found. Protected areas meant for charismatic species like tigers and gorillas, for instance, can attract substantial tourism. This example was written and submitted by a fellow student. was established by a group of concerned citizens and scientists. When a new genus has been recognized through photographs, Researchers try to search for a dead specimen that has been seen in the photograph and once they do find the dead specimen, they make genetic testing on the dead specimen, so they make sure that this species has not already been discovered from another animal. in the United States Yellowstone National Park, the beaver population also decreased significantly. Retrieved November 4, 2022 , from, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. If we value our health, our ability to breathe in clean air and drink clean water, it makes sense to save species for their sake, and for ours. Defending and strengthening the Endangered Species Act, which provides an essential legal safety net to prevent the loss of plant and animal species to extinction. Humans depend on healthy ecosystems to purify our environment. Inless than adecade, populations of long-billed, slender-billed and oriental white-backed vultures in India plummeted from around 40 million birds in the 1990s to fewer than 100,000 birds, crashing by more than 99.9 percent in some places. Many endangered species do not necessarily make compounds directly useful for us, or arent charismatic enough to attract tourists. The Chinese government has even led campaigns around China to let the citizens know of the ban. Orders: However, the global honeybee population is facing dramatic declines across the U.S., Europe and parts of Asia due to a number of reasons from pesticides to parasites. By clicking "Enquire or Request a callback" below, I have read and accepted GVI's Privacy Policy. For some of us, vultures may seem inconsequential. Moreover, scientists have found increasing evidence linking the loss of species diversity in ecosystems to an increase in the transmission of pathogens and incidence of diseases in humans. Although scientists think there are 8.7 million bio-categories yet to be found. When a species becomes endangered it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. Being able to bring environmental awareness, could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the number of species that have been endangered over time. The Brazilian Amazon is full of nature; explorers are finding new species of animals every day. The birds demise caused an insidious series of changes, mostly negative. Being able to brine environmental awareness, it could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the number of species that have been endangered over time. The Science-Backed Reasons Why Saving Endangered Species Is Important They are the sources of medicines, from antibiotics to anti-cancer agents. 14923. They also attract tourists. And, of the 3,000 Asian elephants found in Thailand, almost half of them are kept in captivity. Before the discovery of Taxol from the bark of the Pacific yew tree (Taxus brevifolia) by a U.S. National Cancer Institute Program in the 1960s, the yew tree was considered a weed tree and was regularly destroyed during logging operations, according to the U.S. While it can stimulate protection of the species that produce these compounds, it can also lead to over-exploitation. Turnitin is wide range of fish, 2016 endangered species essay on earth, the endangered . Hire a verified expert to write you a 100% Plagiarism-Free paper. Governments, non-profit organisations, international organisations, local communities and individuals are working together to contribute towards growing the populations of endangered species. But the experiment quickly failed. These interactions make up and maintain the environments we know today like rainforests, mountains and savannahs. Perhaps, the money would be better spent on alleviating poverty, hunger and diseases around the world. Maintain A Healthy Backyard Habitat. Do you know why there are so many Green building is not only a wise choice for our future; it is also a necessary choice. Black Rhinos were once found around the majority of Africa. In my opinion, we need to continue to discover species through our modern technology because we should know if some of the animals are dangerous or venomous. Here are four principal reasons why everyone should do their share in conserving these valuable natural resources. Over one billion people campaigned and hundreds of countries implemented laws regarding wildlife trade. They were determined to safeguard the loggerhead turtle, and focused on the development of the shoreline, which had a negative impact on sea turtle habitats. GVI works on protecting endangered species by partnering with local governments, communities and non-profit organisations. 2021 - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. They are the first signal of serious environmental issues. As we begin a new year, lets look at why we should save endangered species: should we save them for their sake, or should we protect them because we need them for our own well-being? Here are four reasons why it's important to protect endangered species. South Asian Gyps vultures, once numbering several millions, were dropping dead rapidly. Why Protect Biodiversity and Save Endangered Species. Grazers, like rhinos, play a critical role in keeping the ecosystem balanced. The conservation of endangered species, and restoring balance to the world's ecosystems, is vital for humans, too. Besides, the moral obligation, it's important we protect the planet because when plants and animals become endangered so do we. China also believes that giving harsher punishments to those who have been found illegally hunting protected species will result in a potential offender to not commit the crime in the first place. It goes without saying that clean air and water improves our quality of life, and fertile land for agriculture ensures that we can produce enough food for consumption. the caribbean sea sponge and coral might lead to a big growth of treatments for cancer and antibiotics including other infections, there is another animal that is called a maggot and they like to eat on dying or diseased skin which is a great treatment for infections, we rely on animals and animals rely on us, we have to care for animals to Dehorning takes place every two years and is essential in ensuring the protection of the critically endangered black rhino, which is poached for its horn. Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Because vultures help keep our environment healthy, saving them may seem like the right thing to do. This example has been uploaded by a student. Strict laws are essential to preserve wildlife and the shrinking amount of biodiversity in ecosystems. Despite their importance to the ecosystem, black rhinos in South Africa are listed as critically endangered according to the IUCN. There is one latent reason that lies in the bottom of animal and plant extinction and poses the single greatest threat to the biological diversity of our planet. Why should we save endangered animals essay? Volunteer with Asian elephants in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and contribute toward their reintroduction into the wild. This means that the elephants take part in activities like providing rides for tourists, or performing in circuses, which has a negative impact on their well-being. Benefits of protecting species may not be immediately evident. This ensures that humans have access to clean air and water, and fertile land for agriculture. European analysts adventured into un-adventured lands, uncovering a big amount of new species, and more than 50 genera were identified. Original photo: Ivars Utinns is under the Unsplash License. So, when ecosystems arent maintained, our health can be affected too. When a species becomes endangered it is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Ecological value 4. ). So were keeping an eye on as many animal species as possible, and getting involved in their conservation as soon as we can. An endangered species is a member of an ecosystem that faces risk of extinction. We love nature, and we like to spend time outdoors. Many researchers clarified and gathered new information which means that the current species that they found is a new species and supported by their peer-reviewed journals. This is a great way to learn about wildlife conservation, and gain hands-on, professional field experience. Do animals in zoos get . Support An Organization That Fights To Save Endangered Species. Please note! Some endangered animals have been saved because of a safe habitat. Lastly, governments should also regulate the amount of habitats from being destroyed and educate the public about the importance of keeping environments viable. The once-common vultures swiftly began spiraling towards extinction. They have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster and would fall. In order to save endangered species from extinction and to furthermore prevent other species from becoming endangered, countries must enforce strong laws to protect those species. Once the vultures declined, feral dog and rat populations filled the void and took over the dumps. The decrease in their population size is largely due to elephant labour in the tourism industry, as well as deforestation of their habitats. If we allow our environment to become contaminated, we risk our own health.'' (Endangered Species Coalition) Some people believe that we don't need to protect endangered animals because the ''impulse to conserve for conservation's sake has taken on an unthinking, unsupported, unnecessary urgency. You can find a skilled professional who can write any paper for you. The first group of men and women remained sealed inside Biosphere 2 for two years between 1991 and 1993. By continuing, well assume you agree with our Cookies policy. One such famous group of medicinally useful trees is the yew tree, which yields an anti-cancer compound called Taxol, routinely used to treat breast and ovarian cancer. Each species that is lost triggers the loss of other species within its ecosystem. The Caribbean Sea sponge and coral might lead to a big growth of treatments for cancer and antibiotics including other infections, there is another animal that is called a maggot and they like to eat on dying or diseased skin which is a great treatment for infections, We rely on animals and animals rely on us, we have to care for animals to prevent extinction so, this is why I think we need to continue searching for new species so our future generations can live a healthy and happy life and thats why should we protect endangered species.

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why should we protect endangered species essay

why should we protect endangered species essay