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"It's too late," the Hound tells her before he knocks her unconscious and carries her away.

Catelyn uncovers a knife from the floor and grabs Lord Walder's wife from under a table. Without turning, she acknowledges Sansa's presence: "Do I have to call you Lady Stark' now?" From above, the Night King takes note of Jon.

A large group of wights jump off a cliff, only to rise unharmed to resume their murderous pursuits. Ramsay, standing with bow and quiver, taunts Jon, "You suggested one-on-one combat, didn't you?I've reconsidered." Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. "

Still docked in King's Landing, Trystane Martell paints eye stones for Myrcella when Obara and Nym Sand enter his cabin. Tyrion talks up a different whore, but is surprised to find himself unable to proceed with the transaction. "No," he replies. She carefully climbs aboard the dragon and commands him to fly. Tyrion bargains for their lives, promising the sellsword Highgarden, should he allow them to live, and Daenerys wins the war.

"What if there's someone else? Angelotti characterises him as a religious hypocrite and an "impure satyr" from whom no woman is safe. Jaqen cuts her off, reminding her a servant does not question.

Thousands of years in the past, in a lush green locale, Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven find Leaf and other Children of the Forest huddled in front of a weirwood tree with a man tied to it. Hello, My daughter who is a PhD in Neuroscience with Post Doctorate is a Victim of Stockholm Syndrome. "Valar morghulis," Hizdahr replies. As the body floats out to sea, Yara swears upon the Salt Throne she will avenge his murder. Margaery counsels the girl to make the best of her situation-Tyrion is far from the worst Lannister. "I know you did this," Margaery states, cursing Cersei, and throws the dish at her spitefully.

Cersei visits the High Sparrow in an ancient chapel beneath the Sept of Baelor. Around the room are the various household objects that populated her dream: playing cards, china dolls, marionettes, an inkwell, and socks in a sewing basket. Tyrion argues the same. Gilly is impressed by Sam's knowledge and is awed to gaze upon the Wall.

Bran grasps the power of his gift when Jojen informs him that no other person can get inside a human's mind. With little other choice, she takes her khalasar to Qarth, where the city's rulers, known as the Thirteen, meet the Dothraki outside the walls. Weiss

Directed by Miguel Sapochnik

Alone in his chambers, Varys writes a letter about the true heir to the Iron Throne. The latter actually has a potential hiding place for Angelotti. Jaime is initially insulted when the sellsword insists on fighting with dull sparring blades, but soon acknowledges that he is no better than a beginner.

Tyrion Lannister receives disastrous news from Varys: Cersei has learned of his relationship with Shae, and Varys will not cover for him. Stannis tells his Hand that although he was once skeptical of the Lord of Light, he cannot deny the god after all he's seen. Lee is clearly worried. Jorah volunteers, and Jon is adamant he go as well. He slowly coaxes Sansa to conclude Arya may have set her sights on becoming Lady of Winterfell.

Sansa has Arya brought to the Great Hall. "Sit down," says Beth. When Jorah realizes Dany is in attendance, he breaks out of the holding area. Just as the gates fall, Jon, Tormund, Edd and Wun Wun make their escape. Euron reports back about his success at sea, and Cersei, passing off Jaime's child as Euron's, rewards him with news of her pregnancy. "Please tell his High Holiness he's always welcome to visit," Cersei smirks.

Cersei enters the throne room, surprised she wasn't told of an imminent royal pronouncement. The judges question Shae, who maintains that as both Sansa's handmaiden and Tyrion's whore, she learned the truth: Tyrion and Sansa planned the murder together. He instructs the madame to procure another "fresh one" for the next night before escorting the girl away. Sansa rushes to hug her brother, unaware of the blank expression on Bran's face. Sansa explains to an audience in the Great Hall that she's called all Northern banners to join the fight for the living. "We need to do what's necessary to protect one another."

Returning to the Red Keep, Cersei interrupts Qyburn in his laboratory to send a raven to Littlefinger. Shielding himself from the eagle, Jon rides off, abandoning Ygritte.

Daenerys Targaryen is counseled by Daario Naharis in her camp outside of Yunkai. "How are we meant to survive this?" "There is so much good in everyone," he tells the young king. Four years later she made her debut in the title role of Paisiello's Nina and went on to sing at La Scala, La Fenice, and the Teatro San Carlo to great acclaim. He screams as the other dogs join in. She is taken to a room where she and the waif wash a corpse.

From the high table of Castle Black, Jon hands out new assignments. Despairing, Cat kills the Frey girl and stands motionless with shock and grief until her own neck is cut.


Written by David Benioff and D.B. She testified that she did not see the attacker's face.

The storm having passed, Arya and Sansa stand on the Winterfell battlements, remembering their father together.

Sam and his family arrive at Winterfell. Jorah cautions against putting faith in Daario, but Dany is one step ahead of him. Dismissing everyone but Jorah, Dany decides she will first prove she can rule the cities she's liberated.

Arya Stark lies down next to Sandor "The Hound" Clegane and prepares to sleep. Oberyn inquires as to how the eunuch made his way from Lys to King's Landing. The scroll bears Sansa's signature. he says. As he does so, his past-self, Wylis linked to him through Bran's powers begins to repeat Meera's command. Thorne accuses Jon Snow of defecting, but Jon maintains his actions were in line with Qhorin Halfhand's commands. 26 and 169. Despite his father's orders, Tyrion tells Sansa he won't sleep with her until she's ready. After some negotiation, Beric allows the Hound to kill Lem, but only by hanging. Bran accepts the title, and names Tyrion his Hand. He discovers the Hound burying the skeletons of the farmer and his little girl. Nea i Bogdan su podigli priruni stub i montirali sasvim-sigurno-dobru-antenu koju smo koristili i na YT2A memorijalu, koja je radila vrlo dobro na sajmu, naroito na 18mhz. There, he learns the woman he's been commanded to bed is only 14 years old. Ygritte shows him a valley where thousands of wildlings have gathered to follow Mance.

Dolorous Edd, Grenn and Samwell Tarly search the snowy plains for dung to burn. Afterwards, Tyrion admits to freeing Jaime, and removes his Hand of the Queen pin, tossing it to the ground. He has prepared passage for her to Pentos. Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Dany then addresses the rapt audience, appealing directly to the city's slaves: "I am not your enemy. He is completely one of the good guys. He returns to Jon's birth at the Tower of Joy and listens as Lyanna whispers to Ned the name of her son, "Aegon Targaryen." Tyrion Lannister

Brienne of Tarth enters the heroic deeds of Jaime Lannister in the white Kingsguard book. She tells him her father was a stonemason who died of loyalty. To Euron's delight, Theon drops his sword and jumps overboard. The meeting over, Theon catches up with Jon in the audience chamber. She offers a dying prisoner water, but he refuses it. Daenerys Targaryen

Jon, Bran, Sansa and Arya meet in the Godswood. From Jon to Tyrion, go behind the scenes of these characters' biggest moments from season 1-7. "He knows everything," Theon explains, recalling how Ramsay tortured him into submission when he himself tried to run. A flag-raising ceremony planned for August 3 in Boston is not just a typical event it comes after a hard-won court fight over discrimination in the city that birthed the American Revolution. Continue to start your free trial. November 3, 2022, SNPLUSROCKS20 He approaches Cersei, who dodges any responsibility, and then travels to the Sept of Baelor to speak with the High Sparrow himself. Jaime, in his own one-on-one fight, is saved by Dickon at the last second. When a farmer crosses their path, Jaime urges Brienne to kill him, but Brienne refuses on the chance that the farmer hasn't recognized Jaime.

Queen Cersei keeps Joffrey company as he's fitted for new suits. "No comment," Gillespie says. Gilly and baby Sam will die if they stay at Castle Black. He presents Ellaria and her daughter to Cersei; Ellaria stares at the Mountain, shocked to see him alive. While Julie is peeking into the courtroom, Karol from White can be heard pleading to the judge in a scene that begins his chapter of the trilogy. Jaime was told to bring his father's head. Daario presents his queen with the flag of the city.

The Hound and Arya come upon a pork cart driver en route to the Twins. See also Stape and Simmons (2007) p. 108, Adams (1891) pp. His tutor assures him he won't be in the cave forever, but before he leaves, he must learn everything.

Daenerys is brought to Vaes Dothrak and the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen where her garments are stripped off and replaced with more appropriate attire. As had happened at the Paris premiere, a charge of plagiarism was soon brought. Racing to the Red Keep, Jaime enters the throne room and watches as Qyburn crowns Cersei, "Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Sam explains how he killed a White Walker and gives the group the dragonglass he pocketed at the Fist. Cressen goes so far as to try and poison Melisandre, drinking from the cup first to earn her trust. Once alone with Jon, Sansa voices frustration she wasn't consulted given her knowledge of Ramsay. We're not all alone.". "You got them." Dickon Tarly confesses to Jaime and Bronn the battle at Highgarden was his first -- and it wasn't what he expected. When the servants are out of earshot, Lady Olenna asks Sansa for her opinion of King Joffrey. The Mountain will no longer be able to save Cersei. Copyright 2022 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Aktivacija YU7AOP/p YUFF-0043, Carska bara Memorijal Goran Savi YT2A 2022, Aktivnosti: Polaganje ispita za amaterskog radio operatora. Jaqen denies Arya a new face: "A girl is not ready to become No One. But I will not be broken by this," she says, getting stronger and angrier. He's a new person, Ramsay tells Sansa, introducing him as Reek. Cersei mentions she will need to expand her military to reestablish control over Westeros, and Qyburn has reached out to the Golden Company in Essos for support. At Dany's command, the barrels are fired over the city walls and smash open, revealing thousands of slave collars.


Written by Bryan Cogman
Directed by Michelle MacLaren

Missandei gives Grey Worm a lesson in the Common Tongue, and they recount being taken into slavery as children. "You've known Sansa since she was a girl," he tells Theon.

Though hit, Drogon is not seriously injured. In Red, the judge Kern cries as he looks through his broken window out at the camera. Cersei cradles her dead son and commands that Tyrion be arrested for Joffrey's murder.


Written by David Benioff and D.B. Annoyed, Alice starts eating the tarts and the Queen demands Alice's head. Wed love to have you back! and a respected man in Maycomb, neither Jem nor Scout consciously Behind one of them, she meets a stocking-Caterpillar in a room swarming with sock-worms that bore holes in the floor. Before Scarpia set his sights on Floria Tosca, he had tried to force himself on Angelotti's sister, who fled from him in terror. Varys holds up the sealed message he received for Jon Snow a message containing "nothing good. Hardy still looks miserable. "I wanted to make it right for them, and I can't.". His silent response is interrupted by three horn blasts: the dead are here.


Written by David Benioff & D.B. Littlefinger enters and calms his wife until Lysa releases Sansa. A wight attacks Sam, but Ghost, Lord Commander Mormont, and the remaining brothers arrive and set it on fire.

Tywin Lannister arrives at the brothel and interrupts a moment between Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand and Olyvar, among others. He pulls out his sword, but he is no match for the men and is brutally beaten. Visitors make but little interest and a great deal of mirth. Sansa argues Arya, now a trained assassin, would never agree. The Hound knocks the man out but reluctantly relents when Arya begs him not to him. Cersei opens the door wide enough for the girl to see Jaime. | He can explain what happened in Meereen and give them their choices: "They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."

Selyse Baratheon visits Melisandre. "You could have taken your punishment, been decent," she says. Grey Worm enters, questioning Jorah's presence. The wildling explains that his actions epitomize their way of life: People " love each other when it suits them and they kill each other when it suits them."

Because Jon does not understand their ways, Orell insists, he will lose Ygritte. The crone removes her face to reveal the Waif, and Arya dives into the canal for safety.

Emerging from the water and bleeding badly from her torso, Arya looks around, panicked; anyone could be a Faceless Man.

The Hound listens with the rest of the community as Ray reflects on his time as a soldier, and the violent orders he executed that continue to haunt him. "I'd hate to die like your son," she says. widespread poverty. With no other option, Sam steals a set of keys from a sleeping maester and slips several of the restricted books and scrolls into his bag.

In their shared room above an Oldtown tavern, Sam and Gilly pore through the books. Arya reunites with Clegane, unapologetic about how they last parted ways. He scampers away and the queen asks Jorah to identify Razdal's powerful friends.

Two attractive women untie Theon from his X-shaped cross. We return to Claire in the interrogation room, and they tell them that Lee has confessed that it was Ricky who killed Lisa. He busts in, breaking them up. As had happened before, once word got out of a new Sardou play, another author would accuse him of plagiarism.

Aware of her fate, Olenna compliments Jaime's use of Casterly Rock as a distraction, then asks how she will die. The 35 most anticipated movies of Fall 2022. Screaming, Bran opens his eyes in the cave; the Three-Eyed Raven tells them they all must leave; by touching Bran, the Night King has broken the cave's magical protection. As soon as her engagement at the theatre was over, she and Cavaradossi planned to leave for Venice, where she had a contract to sing at La Fenice. I chose the North." The leaves begin to stir on their own, revealing another desk in which Alice finds a tiny key. "Crazy!" Drogon flies overhead and the city burns. She keeps her head down during the visit, and although Littlefinger notices her, he does not recognize her. Sansa makes one thing clear: should Ramsay win, she will not go back to him alive.

Disturbed by his conversation with Sansa, Jon tells Melisandre she is not to bring him back should he fall in the battle. Mark tells her that if the system won't give them justice, they'll have to do it themselves. As Sansa Stark takes her seat on the throne as Queen in the North, and Arya Stark sets sail across the seas on her own ship, Jon rides once again beyond the Wall, guiding the surviving Free Folk back to their home.

. Weiss

Directed by David Nutter

Robb Stark shows his mother his plan to take Casterly Rock from the Lannisters. Furthermore, Trystane will take Oberyn's place on the Small Council. she says. Short of men, the Hand realizes he can only stop the would-be king with the one thing they have in surplus: pig sh*t.

At supper, Cersei attacks Tyrion for trying to put King Joffrey on the battlefield and then surprises him: She has his whore. She is struck by the severity of the scars across his torso, but says nothing.

Jon wakes to see Dany sitting by his bedside. Since everyone is stronger when Dany is with her dragons, she must stay with them forever. This is our reason." He urges Stannis to return to Castle Black to replenish their resources, but Stannis won't hear of retreat. After some teasing, he proposes a truce, claiming he trusts her. Daenerys turns to her Hand and asks, "Shall we begin? [5] The second part of the trilogy, White, was ranked with 87% based on 46 reviews,[6] while its final film, Red, was certified "Fresh" on the same website and received 100% based on 53 reviews. Arya follows him back to the temple, and he flips the same coin she tossed away into her hand. "I'm yours. It ultimately had 3000 performances in France alone,[37] played in theatres all over the world for thirty years, and netted Sardou 500,000 francs. Wyman Manderly declares Jon the "White Wolf" and pronounces him "King of the North." As Cersei seethes in silence, Tywin leads Tommen out. Weiss
Directed by Dan Sackheim

Jon Snow packs his possessions. The chapel at the Castel Sant'Angelo and a platform on the roof of the castle at dawn on 18 June 1800, Spoletta and his men awaken Cavaradossi in the chapel where he is being held to tell him that he has a visitor. Terrified, Cersei rushes past the Cleganes, leaving them to their fight. Quote in the original French: "cette pice vulgaire, sans intrigue, sans caractres, sans moeurs. Ako je neko zainteresovan moe me kontaktirati ovde. After Margaery deflects her criticism, Cersei mentions the impromptu stop in Flea Bottom. Despite negative reviews from the Paris critics at the opening night, it became one of Sardou's most successful plays and was toured by Bernhardt throughout the world in the years following its premiere. Visibly nervous, Cersei refuses to go, and demands the men leave. Effortlessly, he pulls the two onto his horse and takes them to safety.

Meera watches their protector with suspicion.

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